The Chicken

In the scene where they are marching into camp one of the prisoners faints and falls on a chicken which then flaps around in pain obviously with broken bones, i Cant be the only one that saw that so, where are the comments about it lol. did someone put it out of its misery? how did the actor who fell on it react afterwards and in fact how did the cast and crew react to this mishap?


They hacked to death a live cow in a powerful scene in 'Apocolypse Now'.

Since the chickens are ment to be killed for food some time soon anyway, I am sure that nobody really cared.


Who cares


Chicken gumbo!!


I saw the scene. I don't know how the crew felt when the mishap happened, but hopefully they felt compassion and put the chicken out of its misery.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


I read that the chicken suffered a broken leg. Poor thing.


I actually felt bad. I know the chickens are killed anyway, but I imagined the pain it was feeling after it's leg was broken. I mean it was just this happy chicken one moment and the next it's in immense pain and has no idea what's going on.

+++ Jason


Agree .. I stopped eating chicken about 3 years ago .. the reason is how they transport them in trucks .. One tractor trailer carries 4000 chickens on ONE truck .. they pack them so tight most are dead before they reach the chopping block .. I know they are just chickens , but we wouldn't stand for dogs or cats treated like that in this country .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".


I watched the movie this morning and saw the poor chicken .. I hope someone did something for the poor thing .. but my guess since the set was full of men they mostly didn't care .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".
