Captures Politics of 70s

This movie is brilliant on so many levels. First as a straight out action flick its awesome--great fight scenes, car chases, etc. But what also sets this movie apart is the political aspect--we have a sheriff used to doing the things the "old way" who is resistent to inevitible change. Ned Beatty probably represented hundreds of southern small town sheriffs who railed against communism, blacks and long hairs and the creeping influence of the federal gubmit at the exepnse of his ability to run the town his way.

I think Beatty nailed the part of a man who thought he was a benevolent dictator. He's not physically imposing by any means, but his quiet, yet malevolent, demeanor clearly shows you that you wouldn't want to cross this man. Anyone who can get raped in a movie or play a buffoon in Superman but can also pull off this performance is a man with talent.



You are right about Ned Beatty.

This guy is about as good as it gets. Give him a job and he'll kick that role right in the @ss.


When Beatty mentioned how he was going to resist change, it summed his small toen attitude and how anyone different would pay a price.

Its that man again!!


i cant think of many action movies are actually this political. i liked how the main character also seemed to have the same attitude
