bo hopkins...

is one of my favourite actors but why does the guy always lose or get killed in his this one suprise suprise he plays the dumb ass who loses his girl to burt reynolds who's supposed to be his buddy


Bo had pretty normal recurring role on the '79 season of the Rockford Files as disbarred lawyer John Cooper. It was nice to see him not play a lowlife for a change. Great actor.



Bob Hopkins is a terrific actor, but his presence in a film is almost a spoiler that he'll get knocked off by the end. At first I thought it was Jerry Reed, though.


Absolutely agreed, Bo always played the unlucky guy
Actually he was in a movie called The Fifth Floor in which he played a bad guy, unusual for him..


Thanks for the recommendation of "The Fifth Floor." I shall seek that out.

Amazing poster for that film:


Bo was also a baddie in the underrated crime drama "the nickel ride" with Jason (exorcist) miller 1974.
