Sherry Boucher

There is a scene early in this film where Burt is driving along the main street in some small town and he comes upon two young women "Sherry" and "Kip" Every time I see this brief scene Iam struck by the stunning Sherry Boucher. Her natural beauty and ease in which she delivers her lines make me wonder why she wasn't cast in the Jennifer Billingsley role? While I really liked Jennifer as James Caans trashy girlfriend in "lady in a cage",I don't really remember her in anything else.Even though she's only thirty in White Lightning she looks too old for the role.Turns out Sherry Boucher appeared in a string of forgettable movies( the latest in 2006) She was also George Peppards third wife! As for "Kip" who knows? She has a couple of lines but she doesn't get a screen credit. Lets hear it for Sherry!


This movie had great casting in all the small parts as well as the big roles. I think that's one of it's strongest features. Small parts like the girls at the home for unwed mothers and the group of young 'hippies' at the diner are all perfectly cast which gives the movie a feeling of authenticity.
