MovieChat Forums > Little House on the Prairie (1974) Discussion > Do You Think Charles Ever Thought About ...

Do You Think Charles Ever Thought About Having An Affair?

It sure seemed like he did in "Somebody Please Love Me." You can tell he wanted to bang that rancher's wife while he was out on a bender.

Probably didn't want to get beat-up or have his ribs broken afterwards.....


He probably did,but would never do it. He and that widow seemed to really click.


He was known as a rounder in Sleepy Eye. He sired Albert for one, and conveniently adopted him when the timing was right. He also had an affair with the Widow Thurman and even shared that bonnie lass with Nels Oleson who enjoyed DP.


Charles also did the big nasty with Hester Sue, and wasn't joking when he told Harriet that Solomon was his son.


That's right!! No wonder Hester Sue was so uppity around Caroline! When Charles actually confessed that Solomon was his son I was like "WHATCHU TALKING ABOUT, WILLIS!!!!"


No, he did. He was faithful.


Yes, he had an affair with Alice Garvey. When she threatened to tell, he burned down the blind school with her in it, and managed to blame it on Albert.


Oh gosh, I know I rag on Caroline for all her affairs, but Alice Garvey could have taught Caroline a lesson or two! Alice was so dumb to talk to her mother about her former husband (hey at least she tried to be a good girl) on an open phone line. So when her husband Jonathan rightfully confronts her she gets all shady too and says nonchalantly "I didn't think it mattered...." So poor Jonathan is like "How many OTHER men have you been with?!?!?". She had lost count so she was wise to just not say anything more. So Jonathan goes to Minneapolis to confront Alice's first (?? That we know of..) husband and Jonathan realizes that Alice was a girl about town and trapped this now poor decrepit burned out old man into a marriage by saying she was having his baby. So he did the honorable thing and married her. Then she turned him into a lush and gambler and after faking a 'miscarriage' she convinced him that he wasn't making enough so she plotted with him to rob a bank. Poor guy got busted, and Alice walked away to ruin another poor sap's life.

Charles was smart to burn Alice to the ground, even though he felt guilty that Alice had the last laugh by killing his grandson breaking his neck into that window. Even in death she got her revenge!!! She was a public menace and no wonder she was best friends with Shady C, they were two peas in a pod!
