Charles smiled too much

Come on your poor. Be unhappy!


No Jason. Because while Charles lacked fiscal assets, he was bountiful in other ways. And this he would inform Mrs Oleson of right before asking for more credit at the Mercantile, having just previously mentioned something to the effect of “cash on the barrel head, or some such statement.

But Mrs Oleson had to inform Chuck in no uncertain terms, “Sorry Chuck, but those railroad spikes on your chest won’t pay that tab” 😀


He also laughed too much at unfunny things.

He was also the composer of the Front 242 hit "Hey Poor! Hey Poor! Hey Poor you don't have to be poor anymore! Jesus is here!!" (Charles thought he could translate that into some credit at the Mercantile. Harriet responded "Um, no. That won't work on me bud")


When you're God's older brother, why not smile?
