DVD is going to be here!!

I recently found out that Celine and Julie Go Boating will be released in DVD in a 2-disc box set. I heard it features interviews with Marie-France Pisier, Bulle Ogier, Dominique Labourier and, of course, Jacques Rivette. It will probably also have a tribute to Juliet Berto and some good analysis. There is one catch however, there are no English subtitles. Sucks for us that don't know French. I also don't know where I could possibly find a copy of this. If anyone knows e-mail me @ skyegraphics10@aol.com. I would most appreciate it. I plan on trying some foreign film stores in Los Angeles/Santa Monica area but other than that I don't know where I could pick it up. It would be great if I could find it online somehow.



It can be purchased from Amazon France, www.amazon.fr.

It is a region 2 DVD, of course, and as you note, there are no English subtitles.

That's what his stare has been saying to me all along: 'At least I galloped--when did you?'


I think the BFI is releasing this in 2005. R2 with English subs.


So does anyone know if the BFI gonna release the DVD this year?


New Yorker will be releasing a R1 DVD on Dec. 6


Can you post a link confirming this? This is great news!


After having read the above I visited the New Yorker Films website; their page for Celine and Julie on DVD is here:


I inquired by email for more information, getting this response:

Celine and Julie Go Boating will be released some time early next year. There will be English subtitles. We do not know yet, what extras we will be including on the DVD.


this must have been cancelled


I also am looking forward to this release. The one chance I got to see this film I happily took, years ago, at the cinema. From then on I had to be patient, for years. And I'm still waiting.

"When there is no more room in the Oven,
the Bread will walk the Earth."


Still no sign of a R1 DVD; does anybody have anything to report?

Straight Time needs to be released on DVD!


I emailed New Yorker Films (info@newyorkerfilms.com) in early March to get an update, and got a very brief reply: "Its in the works" -- no date, or details on extras, but it sounds as if a release is still planned. Now that its May, perhaps someone else could try contacting them...


BFI disc in September along with Paris nous appatient.


Available with English subs -- from the FR DVD at superhappyfun.com


How does the Superhappyfun French DVD port compare to the New Yorker VHS? Is there any 3:2 pulldown? Does anyone know if the New Yorker R1 DVD will be any better than their ghastly VHS release, or if they'll do any restoration? (They didn't for their previous releases, n.b. their edition of "Mon Oncle d'Amerique.")


I have the Superhappyfun FR DVD, it is like watching a different film from the New Yorker VHS release. The colors are vibrant and the details have much more clarity. Sometimes in the New Yorker video you can't even tell if the sun is shining in certain scenes. Contrasts are dull and the film is robbed of much of its life, the VHS is a shambles. Unless New Yorker is making major improvements to their DVD release or adding extras I would not even bother with it. The Superhappyfun DVD glows, get it.


Thanks, cbeck86, I will! (Right now!)

I love Superhappyfun, this'll be my 4th purchase from them.

And you're right about the New Yorker VHS -- it's so dim a transfer, it makes the whole vieweing experience a lifeless, dispirited one. So I have high hopes for Superhappyfun, based on your recommendation -- I want to see the same film that has so often been called Rivette's masterpiece.

Did you buy Superhappyfun's Paris nous appertient? David Thomsen calls it one of Rivette's best films, but Jonathan Rosenbaum was somewhat ambivalent about Superhappyfun's edition.

Thanks again, cbeck86!


Celine and Julie is the only film I have bought from Superhappyfun so far.

You should be happy with the DVD, it isn't Criterion, but if you have only seen the New Yorker video you will experience this great film differently without question.

I ran the New Yorker VHS along with the DVD and watched them both using PIP , the difference is shocking. I finally had to shut off the VHS, it had become too torturous. I really hope New Yorker does something much better with their DVD release but I am not overly hopeful it will look anything like the dvd you can get from Superhappyfun.


I ordered Celine and Julie Go Boating along with Citizen Dog; that should make a nifty double feature.

And I've just received notification that they've shipped, so I should have them by Friday at the latest. God, I LOVE Superhappyfun! God bless that semi-legal company!

I sold my New Yorker VHS of Celine and Julie off at eBay years ago, so I can't PIP as you did and share the torture; but I do remember that I never even made it to the second tape, watching it was that irritating. So I have high hopes for this DVD.

The New Yorker DVD editions have been uniformly disappointing -- they often seem to be rips of their ported-from-PAL VHS. Once upon a time, their VHS tapes seemed just fine -- I still own their editions of Tokyo Story, Sans Soleil, and The Mother and the Whore. I hope these latter show up someday on DVD, and DVD not by New Yorker films.


Yeah, 25th September in the UK. It can be pre-ordered on Amazon there.


Anyone have the UK dvd yet? How is the quality?


The BFI have released the UK version:

From the Amazon.co.uk listing:

Extras New filmed introduction by Jonathan Romney on Rivette and Celine and Julie Go Boating Toute la memoire du monde (Alan Resnais, 1956, 20 mins, English subtitles) The Haunted Curiosity Shop ( R W Paul, 1901, 2 mins, silent) Illustrated booklet including a review by Tom Milne; interviews with Dominique Labourier, Juliet Berto and Jacques Rivette; Susan Seidelman's reflections on her Rivette-inspired Desperately Seeking Susan; director biography.


I watched the new BFI DVD last night - well, disc one, the film, and the quality is really good. I'll watch the extras disc tonight...


So glad there is an extras disc, I thought they were going to spread the film over two discs what with it lasting over 3 hours, hope the extras includes interviews with the stars as I really want to know if it was all improvised!!


A late notice, but if anyone is in the bay area and want to see it in 35mm, C et J is being shown at UC Berkeley's Pacific Film Archive this Saturday night (Nov. 4) at 7 pm.



I really need to see this movie. I can't seem to find it anywhere.

"Machete" Narrator: This Time... They *beep* With The Wrong Mexican!


There's a R2 release by BFI.



Its on the cheap at the moment, £7.99 on hmv.com


criterion really should release this on bluray



one day perhaps, on blu ray would be nice.
