The best Moore looked as Bond?

I'd say Moore looks his most lean and believable as a young(ish) spy in this film. By the time Moonraker came along he'd piled on a few pounds, which is most striking in FYEO and Octopussy. Fairly similar story to Connery as his films progressed.


Yes, I'd say you're right there. It's a pity it's in one of his weakest Bonds but there you go.


I would say roger Moore looked decent until for your eyes only. His aged showed in octupussy.


Good old Roger looked his best in The Spy Who Loved Me.

As for For Your Eyes Only, I thought he was in remarkably good shape! He looked very trim in the t-shirt during the scene where he and the chick are dragged through the coral.


By Roger Moore's own admission, his weight fluctuated from film to film. He was never terribly out of shape, but one can tell when he was dieting.
He trained hard in martial arts for Man with the Golden Gun, which probably helped him get fit for the movie.

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Roger Moores arms are laughable , at least in 2016. His biceps are the size of my forearms.


You have to remember Moore was 3 years old than Connery who at least had a bodybuilding and football background.
Lazenby had service in the Army.
