one of the best Bond movies

moore was tough and serious in this. scaramanga was an enemy equal to bond in skill. i loved it.


Yes. This is one of my favourites.


Me too. It gets alot of hate. Glad others like me enjoy it.

Call me Snake.


There is no Bond film that I find unwatchable at this point. Each has at least something that makes me think it's worth watching. This for me is one of the more uneven ones, but when it's good it's great IMO.


The first half of this one is very solid, but then it sort of slowly devolves into a cartoon.

Furthermore,I suspect this site may not fully grasp the concept of signatures.


In a lot of ways this one is reminiscent of Moonraker as the poster above me said it starts solid while devolving into a cartoon but minus Moonraker's overt campiness to the extreme this one just has a actress-weak bondgirl but is otherwise in my list of "good" bondfilms. Great would be the following; Dr No, Goldfinger, For Your Eyes Only, License to Kill, Tomorrow Never Dies and Casino Royale...


I enjoy it. It's far better than LALD and Octopussy in the Moore series. I also like it more than any of Craig's, DAD, LTK and TND. And Britt Ekland is fine. Not asked to be a great actress. She looks good. The ending is a letdown and they could do without the slide whistle, but otherwise it's fun.


Great fun, albeit not quite as good as Live and Let Die.


Im afraid not.

,,Now this is good...


First half is fine, second half is pretty bad.


I think it's one of the best too. Sacramanga is a good villain, i like the way he goes for a fight with bond at the end, instead of organising some elaborate death with sharks or something. It makes an interesting change.
