I don't think film was realistic.

After careful examination, I believe that it should be noted these events possibly didn't take place as expressed in the film.

I find some of what is in the film highly improbable.

1. The wagon of dead men. Now come on. These weren't expert mechanics. The wheels would've fallen off if that wagon was really that full, going over the ground.

2. The cow being catapulted would have spiraled with the udder utterly up at 45% degrees as we have demonstrated in our own tests where we catapulted living cows and a control group of men in cow suits.

3. The Camelot song where the helmets were drummed on would have made a duller pitch sound in the resonance of the chambers.

4. In order for the rabbit to be a monster, he would have had to be in an area where nuclear tests had been done, and Merlin, the only one capable of doing so, had never been in that area.

5. When the black knight loses his arms and legs, and his unbandaged torso is on the ground, it would cause abrasions which would react on the nervous system to make him topple over.

6. The knight spokesman of those who say "Ni" could not have a herring in his hand while accepting a shrubbery.

7. The French taunters could not possibly have smelled the king's father.

8. Galahad would have fought harder to stay in the castle of Zook .

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we're left with a less than believable story here. This work was "Fiction". Do not believe very much of it.

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time


All very astute observations. And how did they get those coconuts all the way to Britain?


And how did they get those coconuts all the way to Britain?

they migrated...

Gimli: Youll find more cheer in a graveyard.


Well thanks for clearing that one up, now I'm off to find some maidens in need of a good spanking..


Migrated? Stop being silly. Next you're going to tell me they were carried by swallows. African swallows even.


Isn't this a documentary? How can a documentary not be real. English pig dog.


Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time

I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper!🐭


Geoffrey Ashe, a scholar of the dark ages was asked, after a lecture, which of all the movies made about King Arthur was the most accurate. And he answered, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," to much applause. He cited the following quote,

Large Man with Dead Body: Who's that then?
The Dead Collector: I dunno, must be a king.
Large Man with Dead Body: Why?
The Dead Collector: He hasn't got *beep* all over him.


All good points and it's true. this film is totally unrealistic and it always got me that they used coconut halves instead of real horses to get around.

mind you the guy in the castle did point out they couldn't have just found them.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed how shoddily researched this film is.

But I think we should give it a bit of a pass due to the troubled background of the production. A not very well known fact is that there were numerous sackings during the film...mainly of the people doing the credit sequences and obviously a lot of the budget was soaked up with this.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No Matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better


Yeah, it's shoddily researched. It's like they were trying to make a comedy or something!


Agreed; one should watch The Da Vinci Code for the real deal.

Happy birthday to the ground!!!
