MovieChat Forums > Mr. Majestyk (1974) Discussion > too old to be in Vietnam

too old to be in Vietnam

they say in the movie that Majestyk was in Vietnam and and got a silver star,but Charlie was 53 years old when this movie was made.So the character would have to be in his midforties back in the sixties,too old to have served in Vietnam,unless he was an officer which Majestyk couldnt have been.I fact i think they say he was a captain in the Rangers,and served for 2 years.You dont make captain in two years.



It would had been more believable to make him a World War 2 vet!

Its that man again!!


maybe they got confused and meant Korea...the age timeline there would be perfect.


Or at least a Korean Vet. Vietnam is ridiculous.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I don't think they meant he only served 2 years. They meant he served 2 years with the Rangers in Vietnam. I took it to mean he was an experienced officer by the time Vietnam rolled around.


Mr Majestyk was in Vietnam, not Charlie

When I said I wanted to be a comedian, they all laughed at me. Well, they're not laughing now!


Bronson may have been in his 50's but could have EASILY passed for early 40's especially when you see him shirtless and how ripped he is. So not a stretch at all for him to pass as a Vietnam Vet in this film released in 1975. 👴


Sure, and it was a long war.
I could easily believe he was in combat shape in 1965.

I was born in the house my father built


Actually during Vietnam you did make captain in two years! If he'd served as an advisor in the early '60's before the troop buildup, he could have been an NCO in his mid-thirties and perhaps been given a direct commission like several Special Forces types I heard about...
