MovieChat Forums > Mr. Majestyk (1974) Discussion > This movie is FREAKIN HILARIOUS, great O...

This movie is FREAKIN HILARIOUS, great One Liners!'''SPOILERS' ''

I have this DVD as well as most of Bronsons other DVD's and this is one of my favs. I know its supposed to be action but I see it as a comedy with some great one liners.

Heres a few:
Al Leteir's (renda)one liners

To Bronson after the escape ......."You can really move, I had you mistaken for the local clown, but you can really move"

To Bronson......."Lets go to Mexico and get some broads"

Bronson retorts......" Ive had broads"....ive just go to get that melon crop in"

About killing Bronson ....."I got me a melon to pick, this ones on me I'm gonna do this as a favor to myself"

About Paul Koslo....."You've been here two minutes and are already talking shlt to me, dont ever talk shlt to me again boy"

Paul Koslos one liners
to Renda....."Hey Mr Renda, when you catch majestick, before you kill him do you mind if I get a few slugs in?"
Renda retorts....looks at one of his hired thugs and says "whose this azzhole?"

Koslo to Renda when they are being hunted by Bronson......."I dont know what im even doing here, I dont care about that melon picker"

Bronsons one liners
to koslo...... "you seem like a shlt kickin little azz kicker, only I aint convinced, I think your in the wrong business"

To Al Leteir before punching him ...."No sense in trying to get on your good side"
To Al Letier when hes eating......"Are you going to eat that sausage? because if your not,do you mind if I do"

Al Letier says......"help yourself, and knocks his plate on the floor"

LMAO, freakin hilarious

"Turn around let me see that azz"


classic. right up there with death wish 3.

"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*



How about where the mob shoot up all his melons.

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead


What cracks me up is when Renda's men attempt to free him from the Prison bus and he yells at Majestyk repeatedly "Da Keys to the cuffs!" "Da Keys!"

"I've only known you a half-hour and all you've done is talk ^%$£ to me out the side of your face!"

"The cops!" "They'll have to live with you forever."

Frank Renda is the best thing about this movie.


Yup! Absolutely! *SPOILER* After the thugs ran the cop over while he's in that plastic toilet, Renda and Lundy come up to the battered John. Lundy draws his gun to shoot the cop but Renda waves off, picking up a thick wooden pillar and smashes it into the unlucky cop. After that he just goes:'...must have been hit by a truck or something...' Brute, straight to the point and absolutely hilarious :-))! *SPOILER*



I like the way you guys on here liken Renda to Sylvester - it never occurred to me, but now it does and I can't stop laughing every time he opens his mouth.

"...he shoots people with a gun, he's a hitman, know what I'm sayin' and you ask him 'is he gonna eat his sausage?'"

" guy I hit with a crowbar, another I threw off a roof. Some people I didn't kill but I had it done, like I'll do to you unless you make a deal with me."

"hiya good buddy, just dropped by to tell you somethin' maybe you know it already . . . I'm gonna kill ya."

"you know, I aint known you a whole half hour and already you're talkin' S*** to me out the side of your face..."

"... and don't you ever, ever, talk no s*** to me again, do you hear?"

" got a choice, you can stay here and I'LL kill ya!"

"what's the difference, (on telling Majestyk when he's gonna die) tomorrow, next week, next month, you can hide in the basement of that police station, but I'm gonna get you ma' baby."

"wha-a-t? You fink!"

"I've been to Mexico and I've been laid."

"there's a melon I gotta pick."

"You heard him...get the melons in."


All of those lines you guys are mentioning come straight from the Book. Elmore Leonard is the king of Cool, i mean i would read the mans grocery list if i could. my personal favorite line is when he meets Bobby Kopas.
"your making noises like your a mean little ass kicker, only i aint convinced"

and then a minute later, he says

"a mean little ass kicker like you shouldnt have to use a gun"

right before he disarms him and kicks his ass. Classic Elmore Leonard.


To cop explaining the assault with a deadly weapon: "It was HIS gun"..
