really dumb premise..

i love Charles Bronson but this movie is really too corny.A guy who is so worried about his crop,and yet he lets himself get involved with a hit man,when he didnt have to bother at all.We get it,he is tough,but he didnt have to get himself involved and have other people beat up and killed.Supposedly he wants to turn the bad guy in for a deal with the police to have his charges dropped.
Any rational person wouldnt bother about a stupid assault charge,where he had many witnesses that he was provoked,and make a proffesional hit man want to come after him.I mean the bad dude was right to get crazy,Majestyk was no cop and what he did was wrong in turning him in.



I do treasure this film as a 70s drive-in time capsule, but I agree that Bronson's character wasn't crafted with much consistency. Take even the first scene at the gas station. He already served time in prison for a bar fight, and might even have been on parole. Threatening a gas station attendant just so a bunch of people he doesn't know can take a leak doesn't seem terribly bright, and not something a smart guy like him on parole (or previously jailed for fighting) would do.


Yes I have to admit that the whole movie just seems to be about two macho guys too proud to back down. Both him and the villain are very similar people, really. I still enjoyed it though. The villains are also unintentionally funny a lot of the time.
