Sally Braless?

Does anyone know the thinking behind having Marilyn Burns and later Jessica Biel going braless for TCM? Both were young and perky at the time. But even so, with Sally doing a lot of running, hitting tree branches, and the day-after-day hours on end aspect of the production, the filming was not exactly bosom friendly, even for a young woman. Did Mrs. Burns ever reference this in discussing TCM? I mean they show up to begin filming and she is told no bra? Was the director just wanting to make the point that she was a flower child hippie type? This is not meant to be sexual in nature. I just wonder how/why this minor decision was made.


Apparently braless women were common back then.

I know John Dugan has commented about how Marilyn's blouse was intended to be torn off in the film, so maybe nudity was planned, but because Tobe Hooper was oddly enough aiming for a PG rating, he must have decided against it.


Oh my!


I thought The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) was sheer perfection but I've now learnt it could have been even better.




Didn't they just wear their normal clothes?

I heard the wardrobe budget only stretched to clothing for the villains of the piece. So Marilyn Burns et al just wore their normal clothes.

I may be wrong.


If women needed to wear bras all the time, they'd be born with them. Maybe the character was smart enough to understand that bras only keep your tits up while you wear them, and braless tits will sag on an old woman regardless of how frequently she wore bras in the past.


I mean Teri McMinn went bra-free in the film too.

Doubt they were advised to do so, rather that's just how they rolled back in 1974.


Good times…


The 1970s was a freer time.
