Time for a remake

It's time for a remake surely. What with Bird flu and SARS and what have you. Zeitgeist or whatever?


Well I'm up for another episode, lol



I'd give you a bigger part this time Aitch.


Ian McCulluch tried to get it remade around 1994 but sadly nothing happened. I would lve to see it remade set in the present day or even a sequel to the TV series set 30 years later.


a sequel would never work. no one would know who the characters are.


There is talk of making a new series of 6 hour long episodes, but it is all dependent on Terry Nation's estate.

If made I hope it is as good as the first series!


I hear from a friend who knows these things that Nation's estate has agreed and it's pretty much a done deal - as David says above it will be 6 hour long episodes.

The fan in me thinks "hooray"; but judging by the recent overhaul of "Doctor Who", I think a revived series of "Survivors" would be all-but unrecognisable from the original we all know and cherish. I doubt they'd cast many of the (now) old stars. And if they don't then it would be any old post-apocalyptic drama that just happens to have the name "Survivors".

If they bring McCulloch out of retirement and coax back Fleming and Lill, as well as the inevitable mish-mash of young and diverse actors, I'm all for it. If it's new characters all the way I hope they don't bother or call it something else. I'd hate to see my fourth favourite show resurrected only to sour the memories.

What does anyone else think?



After having just finished the entire first season tonight I dont want to see this series bastardised to the point of being unreconisable. I loved how every episode had no incidental music in it. The actors sold the episodes by their performances. It would have music all over the place if done today. It would be jazzed up to suit the MTV idiot, the one with an attention span that lasts nanoseconds. Dont fix what isn't broken.

Abbey and Craig are my favourites.

"You think that when you die, you go to Heaven. You come to us!."


Lets hope that if there is a remake it's not only the middle classes that survive this time...


I hope they do go ahead with the remake. That's a good point about the middle classes, maybe a bit more racial diversity as well... I think in all three seasons perhaps the nearest thing to a non-white character was that very white looking "Indian" from London.

If this were to happen today I'd go and loot a solar power store. I wouldn't last a day without electricity. The availability of solar and wind power equipment, plus rechargeable batteries etc today, kind of makes the prospect of living without (some) technology a moot point. And that was the very premise Terry Nation set out to explore with this show.

So barring a (cliched) nuclear accident/war, it would be interesting to see how a new series could be written where the characters are left without technology as in the original. Even in that, the engineers had conveniently shut down the hydro stations right before they died.


In the series they never seemed to take advantage of the massive stockpiles of equipment lying around; even then it would have been easy enough to pick up a bunch of semi automatic army rifles instead of the farmer type shot guns they had! But I imagine being well provided would have limited the story lines.

Just watching series 1 on DVD, first time I have seen it since watching it as a kid in the 70's, I still think it is a situation that would lead to a whole mass of good story lines if made today, and once you get past the first episodes where everything is falling apart the production costs would not be too high.

Hope that we do get the re-make as everything involving Terry nation seems to be in vogue now.


good point about solar power etc but to put it buntly how many of us would know how to install and run something like that , unless it was idiot proof it would be a waste of time!!!!


well i would, but thered be nothing on TV! :)
You wouldnt get a lot of power ot of wind / solar . not enough to heat a house.
could maybe power a radio to keep in contact with other colonys.





I totally agree, the 'White looking Indian" in The Lights of London episodes is actually a Jordanian born actor, Nadim Sawalha.
I thoroughly enjoyed all 3 seasons of Survivors, lets hope a remake will do justice to the original plot.


Sadly i cant think of many good "BBC style" actors these days that i reckon could carry the weight of the show or the storylines within, plus these days they have to have young hip metro-sexual actors with good cheekbones and perfect teeth in everything and have heavy incidental music booming in every ten seconds with super fast edits and cinematography not to mention heavy product placement, popular culture references, and a very clean and colorful imagery and thats before we get into the whole sexuality innuendo based dialogue that just seems to go against everything that makes Survivors so entertaining and compelling.

and as for actors...
We would probably get say Marc Warren playing Greg, Eve Myles playing Jenny and Jessie Wallace as Abi, not to say those three are the pits or anything but i doubt any of them can carry such a strong position.

"I have Come Here Too Kick A** And Chew Bubblegum...And Im All out Of Bubblegum!"



The BBC are the ones to blame as they kept messing around with the format quite a bit

As much as I love Survivors, I'm inclined to agree... it seemed at times that those in charge didn't really know what they wanted to do with the show, especially once Terry Nation was gone.

The character of Ruth is an excellent example of this... she shows up at the end of series 1, but becomes a character proper (after switching actors!) in series 2, after many of the series 1 cast have been unceremoniously killed off-camera. They immediately set out to make her a VERY important character - in fact, the direct focus of the first three or four episodes of the season - but becomes rather marginalised as the season goes on. Then, she totally disappears in series 3 (interesting to hear a possible reason why, Spoof2000... thanks!).

Likewise Tom Price, who has a great arc from the very first episode to Law & Order... then his entire storyline is casually tossed in the bin and he's killed off seemingly at random in the following episode!

And what about the young newcomers who arrive towards the end of season 2, and are given a great deal of screen and plot time... only to also vanish in the following season, never to be heard from again?


I think they've done an excellent job so far with the remake - much more convincing than the original, and vastly superior acting.


I agree...

but it was so scaring in 1975!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Grazie mille...
