MovieChat Forums > Wheel of Fortune (1983) Discussion > Incredibly bad college student

Incredibly bad college student

_n-t_e-sp_t-de_ision "On the spot dee-sigh-shun" - Sorry, that's incorrect.

"world's fastest _a_" (Person) - "Can I have a "c", Pat? "Sorry, there's no "c"" (man)

Mythological hero Achilles - "I'll guess Pat - A-shills?" "Sorry,Julian,that's incorrect"

Way to represent Indiana State! At least he did win $11,000.


I was literally yelling at the TV. What a moron!


He said "On-the-spot dicespin" and "At-Chill-less".

But yeah, he was hilariously stupid.

He lost a car, a trip to London, a trip to Jamaica and like $20,000 from his flubbing.


Yes, I think all of us were shouting at the tv.
And when you list all those things he lost I get more upset than I probably should. He must feel stupid.


Ouch. I hope he doesn't have OCD on top of his other troubles. He might end up kicking himself daily for life.


He'll forever be known as Ah-chill-ess on campus. I feel bad for the guy.

His friends didn't seem happy to be there for him. IMHO, "Top Draft Pick" would have been an easy solve for most guys.

May you receive all that Karma has to offer.


He'll forever be known as Ah-chill-ess on campus. I feel bad for the guy.

That's assuming anyone at Indiana State actually knows how "Achilles" should be pronounced.


I was also yelling at my TV. He is going to get picked on so bad when he goes back to school.I understand one mess up but three in one episode.

reply -loses-chance-at-big-money-car-with-a-couple-of-seriously-embarrassing -blunders/


I was seriously embarrassed for him. He could've won all that money and the game as well.


That article makes no mention of "on the spot dicespin".


That article makes no mention of "on the spot dicespin"

That was .... awesome!!!


So, has anyone claimed it as a username yet?



(Thanks for the suggestion)


The chick next to him won every time he screwed up lol classic episode



Shucks no, but this is hardly stellar PR for Indiana State U, is it?


I feel sorry for the guy, I really do, but this epic case of self-pwnership left me gasping for air.


And now we had not one, not two, but THREE less-than-stellar college students on the 4/23 episode!

Couldn't believe none of them knew "Put Your Nose To The Grindstone." Guess none of them have ever done that haha.
