Wednesday March 19th

That was an impressive solve. I know Pat joked around with him by mockingly patting him down. But do you think he really was suspicious?


Just finished watching this. That was the most impressive solve I have ever seen in all my years of watching this show.


I just watched it too.

Amazing solve!

What added an element of weirdness, was how the correct answer was not acknowledged right away by Pat, or by the board filling in almost right away.

It was like whoever "flips the switch" to fill it in was leaning back in his/her chair thinking "...Dude's never gonna get it!" and was waiting for the clock to run out.

What are you looking under here for?


My jaw dropped! How the hell did he do that?



I really agree with your assessment. Now add that WF felt the need to come up with a plausible explanation by showing something I've never seen before... The available letter board, to try and say it was a "B" staring him in the face that prompted him. I don't think so. He said the right answer right off the bat and when it wasn't acknowledged, he mumbled and actually said "I don't know" as if he doesn't understand why they haven't turned the letters yet. Something isn't riggt.


That is not a common thing nor is that a common guess for this kind of a puzzle. The whole thing is odd, but congrats to him for the win.


If you went to a taping you would have seen the Used Letter Board. It's off to the side of the puzzle (out of the camera shot) facing the contestants. If you watch you can sometimes see their eyes moving back and forth between the puzzle and the board when they're struggling to come up with a letter.

Yeah, it's an odd phase, but after all this time I think they may be running out of new ones.

Don't forget, he got the first toss up puzzle (Phoenix Arizona)with only 2 letters, and they weren't X and Z.

Some people have brains that are wired that way. My husband comes up with answers when I have no clue.

But my personal best was getting Princess Grace of Monaco just from the letter layout.


Some people have brains that are wired that way.


In the relatively few times I've watched Wheel with others over the years, I've surprised them with my solving ability. (Although, the ol' brain has more wear and tear on it, and they don't always come so easy anymore).

I don't really have a "formula", but think I almost subconsciously lock in on one word, or one part of the puzzle, as it starts to come together, and then the rest falls into place.

Something just came to mind while typing this; the guy said he worked off the used letter board. Maybe he just started filling in letters, starting at the beginning of the alphabet. That sort of seems plausible, as the "A" and the "B" would have come to mind right away.

Still amazing though, because he'd have to be processing that pretty fast..

What are you looking under here for?


I think Pat was the most surprised. Even he couldn't believe it.
