MovieChat Forums > Wheel of Fortune (1983) Discussion > Question on Pat spinning the wheel

Question on Pat spinning the wheel

Can anyone recall a time whenever Pat spun the wheel for the final round and ended up getting on either Lose a Turn or Bankrupt? I believe he did a couple times back in the early 90s but for the past likely 15 or so years it seems to never result. I just find that odd since you'd think he'd ONE of these times land on either one

When God made Tom Cruise, he was only joking.


I've wondered this myself. I'm thinking maybe it's rigged when he spins it so they don't have to waste time spinning again if he lands on Lose a Turn or Bankrupt.


Here's an incident when he did:

They used to show his failed final spins all the time, but these days, they edit them out. Seeing him hit Bankrupts, Lose A Turns, and even prizes were hilarious.


Mr. Sajak even tweeted (yes, he's tweeting again @patsajak) that bad final spins are cut out for time purposes.


Thanks. I don't use Twitter so that's interesting to know

When God made Tom Cruise, he was only joking.


It's cut out now. You can tell when he's about to land on one or the other and then the camera cuts to his next spin that actually counts.

I miss when they would show it though, he always had some joke or quip about it.


He does it all the time. But why would they waste time showing it on TV?


He does it all the time. But why would they waste time showing it on TV?
They used to....didn't really waste a whole lot of time at all.


I remember when they did show Pat land on Bankrupt and that was the most fun to see him do that. This is when it was part of King World.
