MovieChat Forums > The Stepford Wives (1975) Discussion > Did you notice no wedding ring..why?

Did you notice no wedding ring..why?

I actually reran that section of the movie and confirmed. Joanna was not wearing any rings on her left hand.
Now, since nothing does unnoticed in movie making I wonder why they made that choice. If it's a feminism thing...well, with a husband who works, two kids at home in the suburbs that might be a little late for that. Besides in the mid 70s and married women wore their engagement and weddings-even when they went shopping.

(I did not notice if the robot/clone had a ring on in the super market scene.)


My parents, married in the 1950's, NEVER wore their weddings rings.

"I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes"!


Well my folks did the same thing and when dad went into the nursing home a few years ago that was the first time he had it off.

I still think there is something more there...



If you're talking about the young married couple (sorry, haven't seen this film in a while), then it might just have been another part of the overall feminist message of the story. Like she thought it was old-fashioned to wear wedding rings, even for men. Or, because they're young, they're holding off on the expense until they get their house & other bills paid for. I'm in my early thirties & I've known a lot of couples my age who have done that.


It was on TV tonight and even in the beginning she did not have a wedding ring on, well, answers that one.

"It's the system, Lara. People will be different after the Revolution."


Just watched it too for the first time .. Waaaay better than the newer version!


Interesting point and it would go a way validating my general annoyance with the Katharine Ross character.

But I digress. Was the husband wearing a wedding ring? Do you recall?
