MovieChat Forums > The Stepford Wives (1975) Discussion > Kind of far fetched in many ways

Kind of far fetched in many ways

I mean I do like the movie. A lot. I really do.

But think about it:

- All these men with families are willing to kill their wives and live with a robot that imitates a rather stupid and boring human being.

- And either kill all the children or get rid of them some other way. The robots obviously don't pass a before and after test. And never take any of the women out in public outside of Stepford.

- These men have access to technology that could change the world and make them rich and powerful, but they use it to kill their wives and live with robots. I don't think they even want to quit their jobs.

But it's still a great horror film.


It really shocked me that a husband could really have their wives murdered just to get their warped sexual fantasies fulfilled and to get their fat belly filled with gourmet food.


It really shocked me that a husband could really have their wives murdered just to get their warped sexual fantasies fulfilled and to get their fat belly filled with gourmet food.

It's a movie, for Christ's sake.

I also think it's implausible scientifically and full of plot holes. They show Stepford wives drinking, eating and we also hear one having sex with her "husband". Eating and drinking with no digestive tract? And as for sex, plastic doesn't lubricate itself. It's also a mystery why her "husband" would insist on her doing such an obviously fake orgasm, since he surely knows a fembot can't actually feel or enjoy sex.
