MovieChat Forums > The Stepford Wives (1975) Discussion > As far as the wives not aging....

As far as the wives not aging....

...maybe they resculpt the robots every 8 years or so and age the appearance. They'd only have to be redoing the outer shell, and their manufacturing techniques would be getting better and better with time, so might not be a huge undertaking.



That is just not feasible. In fact the whole endeavor would cost more than the rich men shown in this film could actually pay. So unless they sold themselves into slavery to Des (along with their first born), I now believe something I didn't before...the wives are not dead.

The robots were a 3 to 5 month decoy at the most. What we are seeing are the real wives after they have been brainwashed.


It makes less sense that they'd go to all the trouble and expense to create such realistic -- and expensive to produce -- complex and realistic robots, to last only 3-5 months.


They went through the trouble and the expense because it was temporary. Can you even fathom the costs of upkeep on such a machine? And lets be real, the machine could only keep up pretenses for a short while. Eventually there will be questions on why the machines don't eat, don't get sick, don't age. And they can't just suddenly disappear the robots, eventually people will begin to question why all the wives suddenly disappear.

The costs would only be feasible on a temporary basis, while the real wives are being brainwashed into "perfection".

There was a reason why there were so many anomalies to Carol's behavior (besides being the Director's wife). She is real. She was getting over her "programming". There was absolutely no reason for a hardwired, programmed sex slave robot to deny sex to her "husband". But she did. She pushed him away in the beginning of the film. She was rebelling. Unfortunately she couldn't break free.

And that makes the ending so much sadder, even more so than if Joanna was dead. At least death would be a mercy. Instead she is a human slave to her husband. Those sad eyes were real and so was his smarmy, triumphant smile.


Actually, they do eat. They likely feign sleep if they need to, or even illness.

As to aging, its likely that they have 'removable' aging devices. Wrinkles, wigs, etc.
Or, more likely, they *kill* off the robotic wives when the aging process is no longer believable.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


You are making inferences based solely on the knife scene without considering the clues in the film.

The whole town isn't comprised of robot like wives. It is only a select few whose husbands were allowed into the Men's Association.

The film alludes to Dale/Diz's company several times and it shows the name of the company twice: Coba Biochemical. Biochemical quite simply is drugs and Joanna's joke about sleeping pill wasn't off base. And this is interesting if he was an animatronic engineer at Disney. Why biochemical and not robotics?

There are two clues to the "change". In the beginning, Walter says the Men's Association will allow women in 6 months. But that is not when the robots go online. Joanna states that the actual change occurs in 4 months (psychiatrist scene). So what happens during the extra 2 months in Walter's timeline?

If the wives survive (abet brainwashed by Dale's biochemical experiments), then those 2 months they are held in prisoner at the Men's Association being fixed.

Bobbie is a robot because the change only just occurred, the same with Charmaine. The other wives were human. It was well past the 6 month time frame. Pay attention to Carol's behavior. She doesn't act like the sexed up slave she is supposed to be. Again, I have to convey the importance of the fact that she didn't prolong her intimate contact with her husband in the beginning of the film. If she was a robot that would not have happened. Robots can't ignore their program. The husband also looked sad by the fact that she just walked away. Why be sad over a robot?

Also, watch Kit's face during the gab scene. She is emotionally moved by the confessions of Joanna and Charmaine. But is so brainwashed that she can't discuss her feelings except only in a cleaning commercial form. Why should a robot be moved by sorrow?


Actually, if you go by the supermarket scene at the end, the entire town IS populated by robot wives!
The novel confirms this as well. According to both film & book, there is usually 2-3 human wives in the town at one time. Approx. 4 months later they are murdered & robots replace them.

There is no brainwashing. This was only in the remake film.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


The film occurs within Joanna's pov. The more important supermarket scene is the first. Not all the women were brainwashed. By the end she only notices women like herself. So those are all we see.


I don't know if you're misunderstanding or trolling.

But I've mentioned twice that there is NO brainwashing. The film never suggests this as a possibility.
It makes it clear in the case of Bobbi (Joanna stabs her & she begins to repeat the phrase over & over and go wild) AND of the Joanna-Bot (when Joanna in horror encounters *herself* in the Men's Association House.

Diz tells her that Joanna made them have to 'rush the order'. Meaning they did not finish the robot of Joanna yet.

You're looking for things that are not there. Its robots in the 1975 film.
Brainwashing in the remake only.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


You may be trolling when the film quite clearly shows an alternate explanation.

1) Dale Coba owns a biochemical company. His companies make drugs. This is showcased quite prominently among the computer companies. Now why would fricking robots need drugs?

2) You don't see what the Joanna Robot does. We know it attacked Joanna, we don't know if she was killed. Dale quite clearly tells her that it is a new stage and he wasn't referring to death.

3) The robots go online 4 months, Joanna states that it is so because she did the math on Charmaine and Bobbi. But WALTER states it will take 6 months for the men's association to allow women into its doors. Listen to the men speak, especially Walter, they almost never lie. They almost always spill the beans about what they are doing in some form. The full process of robot and brainwash procedure takes 6 months.

The remake is irrelevant to this film. The hints are VISUAL.

The men want to triumph over their wives, killing them and replacing them with robots is no triumph. They can't gloat over the women who were in the process of leaving them (Walter and Joanna were definitely heading for divorce). But a brainwashed wife turned into devoted slave gives them a thrill every day. The robots were placeholders while Dale's drugs did their magic.


If you want to believe its brainwashing, that's fine. I think you're looking for plots that are not there.

How can it be brainwashing when we see the unfinished Joanna-bot in the Men's Association house?
And the way that both Nannette Newman (the woman who repeats "I'll just die if I don't get this recipe' over & over & over) and the way Bobbie does the same when she too is injured....shows you they ARE robots.

The author of the novel "Rosemary's Baby", Ira Levin, wrote this novel as well. BOTH "The Stepford Wives" and "Rosemary's Baby" have films made almost word-for-word from his excellent novels.
The novel makes it crystal-clear they are made into robots.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Rosemary's Baby both book and film call into question Rosemary's Sanity.

The Stepford Wives does the same. In fact if you really read the book, you would know that the Bobby stabbing scene NEVER existed. The book NEVER reveals if the robots exist. We also never see what exactly happens to Joanna when she visits Bobby. The book makes implications.

The film does the same, it shows a robot but does not confirm the other wives are or aren't. We still have that 2 month time discrepancy and the fact that Coba runs a drug company NOT a robotics company. The wives in town still eat, age and respond emotionally to situations. Something robots will never be able to do.

The scene at the pool could have been robots OR it could have been a psychological break due to head injury and brainwashing.

I mean I can't believe the lazy thinking of viewers these days. Haven't you ever seen a person with mental instability repeat themselves? Are they all robots?
