Dick Tracy reference

Does anyone know which Dick Tracy episode the ice bullet refers to? Maybe when it was published even? Or is this just a plot filler?


Don't worry; I found it. It was a real Dick Tracy plot. It's called "The Hotel Murders" and was published in 1936.


I don't know but in real life, it would seem to be impossible. The heat from the exploding powder would pulverize that frozen bullet


Yes, well, there are lots of things in the original Dick Tracy comics which don't make a lot of sense, like rubbing snow on hypothermia victims.


jd-276, just like the CSI series, like pouring plaster into a knife wound and making a cast of the knife that was used and of course, all the DNA that solves the case. Unfortunately, many people buy that and these people sit on jury's and are unable to separate reality from TV!


LOL!! Wow, I never saw that episode of CSI. Epic fail!
