MovieChat Forums > Tommy (1975) Discussion > David Bowie as the acid queen?

David Bowie as the acid queen?

Now THAT would've been great, I would've loved to have seen that.


The original idea was meant to be Mick Jagger in drag.That was Russells original idea.I worked on it.


It wasn't Jagger, the original plan was to use Lou Reed, as recalled by Townshend in The Who's 'Amazing Journey' documentary. Now THAT would have been fantastic. Bowie would have been epic too.

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


Interesting idea, but the role is owned by Tina now and nobody else can come close to it.


she was great fun to work with.


I think Tina was a great choice, as she is female. To have cast a male actor (even a well-known rocker) in the role in drag would have lent an unintentional subtext to the role (clue: 'queen'). Since there was already a gay element in "Tommy" (in the form of the lecherous "Uncle Ernie", who does naughty things to his nephew), it was sensible to cast a woman in the role of the Acid Queen.


I'm glad Tina was cast. She totally owned it.


Does anyone know if Grace Slick was ever considered? She seemed like a natural for the part.


I never heard anything about Grace Slick but that would be interesting too.


neither had I.


Anyone would have been better than Tina Turner, I'll tell you that much.


And what made her such a bad choice for the part? She is clearly one of the most popular female singers of that era. Janis Joplin would have been perfect for the part, but she was already gone by 1975.


I've always thought Cher could've pulled it off great as well...

"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum!"
