Ann Margret.....

I've always loved beans and chocolate, too, but never as much as when I saw this.



I have a feeling she gets asked that question a lot.



She had a blast doing it . Unfortunately She did have to have 18 stitches in her arm. Every thing was going great with her withering around in the soap suds until they started turning pink. Even she had no idea that she sliced her arm on the broken glass from the broken glass of the TV.
In the very last shot when she clutches the white flowers you can see the bandage covered with chocolate to hide it.
She is the BEST.


I started talking to her about Tommy when I met her but her husband made her hurry up so we didn't really get into it.

I thought I saw something in that last scene. Was it on her hand?


it was her forearm.


Bradster, I sent you a PM about a new "Carrie" book coming out, did you get it?



Ann-Margret played Tommy's mother even though she was only three years older than Roger Daltrey.


She's amazing in this movie and in every movie, this coming from a big fan of her's :)

"Young White Blonde Tall European Green eye Girl Born in the US That Loves Movies"

yeah my signature LOL
