Profoundly affected...

I saw this movie as a kid, the first time it hit commercial TV. There wasn't much that needed to be cut, so I still saw it in pretty much its entirety. It scared me witless to say the least. I didn't see it again until years later, I don't remember when exactly. But after having rediscovered it, It creeped me out almost as much as it did the first time. Then like many horror films that affect me, it carried into my dream. This is good.

All I know is I was wandering around some office building. I found the entrance to a staircase leading to a basement and I got nosy, so I went downstairs. But downstairs, it was no longer an office building, but rather a long cave like hallway with stone walls, bare dirt floors and cubbyholes down either side, eerily lit by nothing but iron sconces along the way. This had nothing to do with Burnt Offerings but the chauffeur was there and that had PLENTY to do with what creeped me out about it. I stumbled and fell face up into a grave sized pit in the ground. He then jumped down on top of me, pinning me down and got in my face, dead grin and all. Now while he never made a sound in the movie, he laughed in my face in the dream. Not just giggling or chuckling, but howling demonic laughter that kept reaching a higher and higher pitch until he was SCREAMING laughter in my face. I tried to scream myself, but as it happens in dreams, I couldn't make a sound. I tried to push him off, but my arms were gone. That's when I woke up.

I was covered in sweat and my face was covered in tears, because I was scared to the point of crying. I was shaking and didn't sleep for two days.

Good times.
