Rowing across the channel

I saw this film back in'78, when I was 16, on HBO, and it just blew my mind. One of the most surreal scenes I have ever seen is when Casanova is rowing a little boat across what I believe was supposed to be the english channel. Instead of having the boat on water, it was sitting in the middle of a huge sounstage with the floor covered with black plastic tarps. Wind machines got the plastic whipping up and down in huge waves, and the rain machines pelted the boat while Donald Sutherland pantomimed the pitching of the boat. I couldn't believe my eyes. Totally theatrical. I read somewhere that this was shot this way at the last minute in a gymnasium due to bad weather on location.

I have tried to get this film here in the U.S., but I've heard the distribution rights for the U.S. have been tied up in a legal battle since it's initial release. I'm not sure what the details are, but it reminds me of this old building in a town near hear, an old gas station from the 30's. It was full of old cars and old petrolania, surely worth quite a bit of money, but it had been boarded up since the old man who owned it died back in the 30's. Well, his two daughters fought each other in court over this place, boarded up and rotting, until they eventually died and the place burned down. It was like a memorial to their hatred sitting right on main street in the middle of town.

I hope whomever is involved in this legal dispute could just think of all of us here in the U.S. who would like to be able to see this film again, and get over it before they die.



Jaltruff, you are right. I am totally wrong and I just feel terrible about it. Thank you for your friendship. It means a lot to me right now.



It's true what jaltruff said, Fellini never wanted the film to look too 'real', even his Venice is the Venice of Cinecittà. He had gone to Venice twice in order to decide where to shoot, but finally decided to have the locations rebuilt which earned him protests of Italian Casanova fans when the information became public. And the black plastic tarps are ordinary garbage bags sliced open, which was Fellini's own idea.

Btw it's nice to see an American who loves the film! :-) I read some Fellini bashings on the board of the Hallström-"Casanova" only yesterday and did not know whether to grin or to shrug or to despair :-) But I am really sorry for you that there's no DVD available in your country; normally it's the other way round, you've got all the DVDs I miss here in Europe and I'm no end envious. Would the region 2 DVD be of any help to you?

Regards, Rosabel

P.S. What's the secret of your pretty user name, may I ask? Makes me smile.


It may not be available on dvd here in the States, but it was on the Sundance channel last night (5/16/06). Its also sched to re-air on Saturday 05.20.06 at 12:30 AM. Be sure to set your tivo/vcr!
