Mel Ferrer

Who is Mel Ferrer and who is his character Harvey Wood in Eaten Alive? The IMDb list of Cast is not very clear, but it must be the father because Crystin Sinclaire is listed as Libby Wood so that must be the sister than of the young runaway girl (in the film Judds first custumor and prostitute who leaves the brothel) father and daughter Wood are looking for?


Yes, that is Mel Ferrer playing the father of Libby Wood. He's the older gentleman with gray hair and moustache.


OK tnx tudegirl. So he wasn't in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" then, a few(?) of the other cast members were I believe.
Was Mel Ferrer an actor of more celebrity status at the time of shooting of " Eaten Alive"? What is he best known for?


Once being married to Audrey Hepburn. Other than that, he was once upon a time a mid-range MGM star in movies like "Scaramouche" and "Lilli," and appeared with his then-wife in "War and Peace." Like a lot of former stars fallen upon hard times (I'm looking at you, Stuart Whitman), he went on to appear in a lot of B-movies and Eurotrash.


He also starred in a few Italian horror movies, one was also released as EATEN ALIVE and another had the alternate title The Great Alligator, trying to cash in on the mega success of EATEN ALIVE, the Tobe Hooper blockbuster

