
I wondered whether it was all a case of paranoia brought on by the new water systen - lead poisoning or something. I haven't read anything about this film apart from imdb so don't know about director interviews etc.


Yeah it was a conspiracy to sap and impurify Trelkovsky´s precious bodily fluids.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I think it was a case of paranoia, but it had nothing to do with the water system. I think it had to do with a ew factors, such as the change of scenario, the atmosphere of the apartment (a lady commited suicide there), the neighbors were a bit creepy, I guess, and I think the character was a bit unstable to begin with. Just like you, I haven't read anything about it, just watched the film, so your guess is as good as mine, but I think his subconcious made him do a lot of things to himself (like putting on make up, and pulling his own tooth off, because of those factors I just described, and then that made the paranoia worse. I hope I was helpful.


Err no. This is not a film about the state of the Parisian water utility.
