the costumes...

I think the costumes designed for this film were lovely, particularly Cinderella's gown for the ball, her clothes while worn in exile and her bridal gown.

Where are these costumes now? Do you suppose any of them were salvaged?

I have heard some horror stories about the ballgown from MY FAIR LADY ending on a rubbish-heap, and similar tales about other famous film costumes.

Also, if you have ever seen the 1970 version of WUTHERING HEIGHTS w/ Timothy Dalton and Anna Calder-Marshall, you'll notice a few costumes that look quite similar to those used 6 years later for SLIPPER. Perhaps they were later rented?


hmm i don't know i know the ball gown was sold at an acution for some charity but other than that nothing i hope they realy didn't toss things away there are people out there who whould want them also i loved elisa's ball gown in my fair lady i hope they didn't just toss it ill have to look on ebay to be sure ill write back if i find anything


I know a lot of costumes by then were either kept in stock or thrown out. Nowadays, they are auctioned off or donated to museums. Since her designs were nominated for an Oscar, maybe some were preserved. Even since I saw this movie when I was young I wanted my wedding dress to look like the Princess Incognita dress. I made a similiar one in blue for Halloween when I was in college (I'm glad I learned how to sew and make patterns).


Perhaps a few of the costumes made it into Debbie Reynolds's film memorabilia museum. Has anybody been there?


her wedding dress is just every little girls dream...i especially love the tiara... so purdy...

She walks in beauty like the night,
of cloudless climes and starry skies


just watched the film the other day and i love her pink ballgown dress its beautiful and i always wanted to get married with the same music that plays when cinderella walks down the ailse.


Don't we all!


I was in a costume hire place in London the other day and couldn't believe my eyes. Cinderella's pink cloak! the frills were a little limp but it still moved as beautifully as it did in the film when Cinderella spins around. i swished it about saying "its beautiful, beautiful!". such a lovely touch is little white flower shaped sequins stiched between the chiffon cloak and the silk lining.........


By rights that cloak should be in some sort of film museum. I can't bear the thought of any of Cinderella's costumes being hired out. They were far too beautiful.

But I'm glad to hear about the cloak; it's a miracle that it's still around!



The costumes were accurate because they were designed by a historical costumer, Jean Hunnisett - which is to say I agree that it's surprising for a movie to be accurate, but not surprising for anything done by the late Ms. Hunnisett to be accurate.


Those who study history are doomed to watch others repeat it.


I love the costumes in this movie, so beautiful.
Like some of you I don't like the hair.



I think the costumes in the film are very nice, I especially love the pink gown that they put Gemma Craven in, for some of the scenes.

Where there is hope, there is light that always shines






My understanding for the gown in My Fair Lady is the it was an actual period gown and borrowed from a museum for the movie.
