Blu-ray running time?

I have the new Blu-ray release of this (the transfer is truly impressive!), but one thing puzzles me:

The film on the Blu-ray runs exactly 143 minutes, but here on IMDb it claims that the running time of the full cut is 146 minutes.

So, is this a typo here on IMDb, or is the Blu-ray version still slightly cut?

Can anyone shed any light on this?

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


Although the Blu Ray package also lists the running time at 146 minutes, it's the exact same length as the ''IMAGE DVD''. What's missing is the ''Exit Music'' (''Position And Positioning'') which was never included, either on home video releases or the American cut of the film. This is most likely the best we're going to get, and I'm thrilled with it.


That's interesting, when I saw it in the UK they used "Position and Positioning" as a pre-curtain overture (not sure if they played exit music or not).

Let Zygons Be Zygons.


You're right-my mistake. I saw only the ''American Cut'' of the film back in 1977 (about 10 times, I think). Someone elsewhere brought up the ''Position And Positioning'' music in a discussion related to the Overture. And, they stated that it was played before the Main Titles. I wish the new Blu- Ray had retained it, but otherwise, the disc is wonderful. And, they finally included the original British trailer!.


It was me who started the other thread.

Let Zygons Be Zygons.
