Favourite Song?

Having recently rediscovered my love for this beautiful film, I haven't been able to get the soundtrack out my head for at least a week. The songs are excellent, aren't they? I can't decide which is my favourite, although When He/She Danced With Me stands out as the most chilling, spine-tingling melody. I can't help but have a huge grin on my face when Prince Edward looks at Cinderella across the ballroom and that song starts up. I also love Protocologorically Correct, because, what a word! Almost beats Supercalifragilisti cexpialidocious. So, what are your favourite songs from the film?

'Obsessed' is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.


"tell him that it wasn't love" It just so ere...I love it

"Candy canes? Are you trying to mock me?"


All of them!!! ^_~

Special favorites not already mentioned here by other fans:
The sweet, sad song Cinderella sang at her parents' grave,
and the delightfully silly song about the "beautiful family crypt"
that Prince Edward sang while showing his friend/manservant the
royal crypt (while Cinderella was visiting her parents' grave
at the same time). Also, the song that the fairy godmother sings
(it might not be quite as catchy as the "impossible things are
happening every day" one from Rodgers' and Hammerstein's Cinderella,
but it's still just as special in a different way!). And the song
about the "secret kingdom far away somewhere" (I find that one
actually MORE romantic than "when he/she danced with me" [this
could be because I like to be private/quiet/etc.! ^_~].)

Anyone else ever think that "protocoligorically" was, or at least
should be, a real word? ^_~ ("Protocol" is real, but not, as far
as I know, "protocoligorically"! ^_~)

And I love how so many of the songs in that movie use long/complex
words/rhymes/etc.! ^_^

For we must be protocoligorically correct
These rules and regulations we respect
Must be treated circumspect
Else the kingdom will be wrecked
We've a system to protect
Checked and double-checked and protocoligorically correct!

(I can't believe I still remember all that...I actually haven't
heard it in a few years [but I really want to see/hear it again
now, though, after all this reading/writing about it! ^_~].)

(I used to have practically the entire movie memorized [see post
by me under "Dreaming"! ^_^].)

Kit =^__^= (the magic^_^ one=^__^=)


Hi Rosie! My favourite song from 'The Slipper and the Rose' is 'He/She Danced With Me'. I just absolutely love it! It's such a beautiful song. I think it's because of the mixture of happiness and sadness. I like all the other songs too, particularly 'Two People', which has been in my head solidly for about two weeks now, I can't get it out.

'Why can't I be two people, why can't I live two roles...'

"Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!"


'Why can't one of me perform all the cloying amenities?
While the other me, twin brother me
Be a free and happy soul!'

Thorn Birds day coming up.... you will attend. Or I'll steal your Slipper and the Rose DVD and get my dog to bury somewhere obscure.

Royal Musketeer of the JDB


Aaaawwww... *Looks sad* How can you be so cruel? I shall steal all of your Johnny Depp films in return! Anyway, back on subject... I also like 'Protocoligorically Correct' (wow, it was really fun trying to spell that!), the king makes me laugh a lot! 'Half the size of your mother's!' LOL!

"Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!"


"Do we have a navy?"

"Yes, sir, the royal barge on the lake."

LOL! Love this film. "Put him in the retirement list." "Now we don't want to go off into the realms of fantasy!" "Excellent teeth!" Michael Hordern is brilliant.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"


I think they are all good songs, its kinda hard to pick a favourite, but at a push I would have to say- Tell Him That It Wasn't love. It chokes me up each time I watch it!!



It's the bit when she's got her hood on, and she turns around singing "Don't let him know, why I must leave him, why I must go, so far away." isn't it? I get a huge lump in my throat every time I watch that bit. And when she sings "For if he knew, how much I love him" and her voice seems to falter as she sings 'much' and 'love', the tears just pour out. Beautiful, chilling song.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"


You are so right, everytime I see the bit when she turns around, the tears start! She looks so sad and the song is really powerful, it's a really great scene.



oh my lord i so agree i alwasy notice that!


I'm=^__^= here^_^ (at both^_^ TV and computer ^_^) on Thorn Birds day!!! (Oh,
THREE CHEERS, someone^_^ besides me=^__^= who^_^ loves^_^ BOTH^_^
[The Thorn Birds AND^_^ The Slipper and the Rose!!! =^____^=]! [Can we talk/write
in here about both? Somebody in the Thorn Birds section (of IMDb) has been
making me=^__^= INSANE>_< lately and I=^__^= don't always especially want to
talk/write there now!!! ^_~ (Basically, she asked "why is Ralph better than Luke"
and [after saying that I thought that there was really no comparison ^_~],
I answered. ^_~ She then told me that I had supposedly "missed the entire point
of the novel" [I've been in love^_^ with the book^_^ since just before the
miniseries existed (yes, I=^__^= am^_~ that^_~ "old"! ^_~)]. She later told
me that I was supposedly "always arguing with someone" [no, usually^_~ only^_~
when THEY START IT!!! ^_~]. I now feel like saying to her, "Look, girl, if you
didn't WANT an answer to your question, WHY'D YA EVEN BOTHER TO ASK???" ^_~)
(Anyway, it seems that she thinks that Ralph and Luke both being "ambitious"
etc. means that they're both cut from the same cloth and that neither is
necessarily "better" than the other, which in theory IS PARTIALLY true but
ONLY in some ways and ONLY about some things. [She accused ME of having a
"one-track mind" for disagreeing with HER (what kind of mind does she think
she^_~ has, I wonder??? ^_~)]. [I think that it's actually OKAY^_^ to disagree
WITHOUT^_~ even arguing>_< (just goes to show how strange I=^__^= am, huh? ^_~).])
(That particular girl happens to be an admirer of Mary Carson from The Thorn Birds,
by the way. ^_~ I'm trying not to accuse her of talking/acting a lot like her idol.
Don't ask. ^_~)])

Somebody come talk/write to me=^__^= somewhere about The Thorn Birds AND^_^
The Slipper and the Rose...please? ^_^ (But not in the Thorn Birds section. ^_~
I don't want to be even more^_~ unpopular^_~ there than I already am. ^_~)

Kit=^__^=/Kitty=^__^=/Meggie^_^ (from The Thorn Birds ^_^) =^__^=

(Hmmm, I=^__^= wonder^_^ if anyone's talking/writing about both^_^ stories^_^
[The Thorn Birds and The Slipper and the Rose] in the Richard Chamberlain

(Anyway I=^__^= think^_^ that BOTH^_^ of those shows are magical^_^
[and^_^ they're also^_^ both^_^ filmed at around the same time period,
back when Richard Chamberlain was still young(ish) (40-something, actually! ^_~)
(I=^__^= like^_^ people who look/act young^_^ for their ages [sort of like
me=^__^=! ^_~])].)



That particular girl happens to be an admirer of Mary Carson from The Thorn Birds, by the way. I'm trying not to accuse her of talking/acting a lot like her idol. Don't ask.

Ha ha. In that case I understand your refuge to other, less-hostile boards.

Well, Meggie does tell Ralph that he and Luke share many of the same qualities, and faults, but the difference (and it is one hell of a difference) is that Ralph actually loves Meggie, whereas Luke most likely felt nothing more than a passing admiration for the girl. I hate Luke much more in the book than the film, probably because in the film it feels almost like Meggie has feelings for him (likely due to Rachel Ward and Bryan Brown's blossoming romance - and might I take this point to mention how insulting it is to RC having Bryan Brown be his look-a-like. I'm guessing the producers didn't bother to find a handsome Luke, bearing at least some resemblence to RC. I didn't find Luke attractive at all. My mum (who watched the series when it first aired) told me how all the girls were ga-ga over Bryan Brown, and here's me thinking the man in the black soutane is far more beautiful, not merely because he is Richard Chamberlain, but he actually is physically much nicer to look at. What is with Brown's nose? Sorry. If I'd been Rachel Ward, I know which one I would've gone for! Phew, this is a long bracket!) and I think the situation would have been better portrayed if the film included the scenes where Luke really was nasty to Meggie. You didn't see much of that. (Although I did have a "Bastard!" moment, when Arne says to Luke after Ralph confronted him "Good on ya, mate." even though that scene wasn't actually in the book.)

I had a look on the The Thorn Birds board, and they were talking about repenting sins or something. I'm not much when it comes to religion, especially not Catholicism, but if they need a reason for Ralph being better that Luke, surely the fact that he repented his sins by losing Dane is good enough? When does Luke ever repent his sins? He doesn't care that he loses Meggie and Justine - he's still got his sugar and Arne, and the money. In fact, if I remember correctly, when Meggie leaves him in the book he just shrugs and thinks nothing of it. What a bastard! Ralph actually feels unhappy when he has to leave Meggie - so that's got to be a reason for him being the better of the two..?

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"


To nakedraven (hi^_^ again^_^):

Well, I bet Rachel's (Rachel Ward's) attitude would be something like, "Well,
the choice was pretty clear, since Richard was gay and Bryan wasn't". ^_~
But that's her and Bryan and Richard, not Meggie and Ralph and Luke. ^_~
(And I think that Rachel and Bryan falling in love on set showed waaaaay too
much and affected the miniseries waaaaay too much! ^_~) (I also think that
David Wolper [producer] and some of the other people "in charge" had some
WEIRD ideas about what makes a good story, etc. ^_~ ["Steamy" scenes between
very much!!! ^_~] [Oh, and, there was this weird comment (by David Wolper, I think)
in the Hallmark Channel's 20th anniversary edition with all the bunches of comments
...something about "Rachel" being "torn between" Luke and "the priest" (okay,
point one, Meggie was NOT exactly "torn between" them, far from it [read the
book, people!!! ^_~], and point two, apparently the producer thinks that Rachel
Ward is such a great actress or something [ummmmm...tastes differ...she's okay,
but NOT my choice for that role, ideally! ^_~ good moments in it, but...!], and
point three, so he calls the actress by her real name instead of the character's
name, but as for Ralph/Richard, he doesn't even get to be called by the actor's
name OR the character's name, he's just "the priest"??? nice! sigh!). Oh, well.])

(Anyway, yes, well, as far as looks, I thought that the "choice" was pretty easy
too...they did do THAT right at least, they made Ralph look better than Luke! ^_~
[But it SHOULD be EVEN MORE obvious EVEN AT FIRST that Luke
can't hold a candle to Ralph IN GENERAL. It was immediately obvious to Meggie
in the book. She didn't even LIKE Luke as a PERSON, she thought it was peculiar
how he and Ralph could look so alike and be so different, how dare he have
Ralph's eyes and yet not have the soul behind them, etc. (it's been a while
since I last read it, but I KNOW^_~ I'm not just making that up!!! ^_~).])
(I think that, among other things, the people making the miniseries thought
that they "needed" a "reason" for Luke to be able to "win" Meggie. So they
made him sort of roughly attractive in a totally different way than Ralph.
I think they thought that he'd be a refreshing change, or something. [And
in the miniseries, the sheepshearers arriving, with their songs and everything,
are actually a very refreshing change. And I like the songs. ^_^ (Somewhat
unfortunately, they left out the bits in the book that mentioned the Clearys
singing. In the miniseries, the thorn bird's song is mentioned, there is that
BEAUTIFUL^_^ music^_^ by Henry Mancini, there is all the various church
music [chanting], and the sheepshearers sing...but the Clearys don't. [I'm not all
that fond of the Missing Years "sequel" miniseries, but it did manage to work
"Waltzing Matilda" into it. ^_~ (But I think that it also made it look like it
was mostly Luke who sang. Sigh. There DOES need to be cheerfulness^_^ and
singing^_^ but why couldn't the Clearys have been singing^_^ at home as was
briefly mentioned in the book? Sigh. [No, TV does not have to be just^_~ like
the book. But why not MORE^_^ like? =^__^=])])])

About the "repenting sins" or something on the Thorn Birds board: They should
quit picking on poor Ralph, he paid about ten thousandfold for "sins" that I
don't think are even that bad. ~_~ So did Meggie, so did most of her family.
Let the people have some peace, they've been through enough, they don't need to
get picked on by their fans! (I do really wonder, though, what on earth Colleen
McCullough would have to say about all these bizarre debates! ^_~) (Like I
finally^_~ said in the "why is Ralph better than Luke" thread, maybe they should
go argue with her, not me, I got most of my ideas about these things from her
in the first place! ^_~ [I HATE>_< being told that _I_ haven't understood the
book, BY people who, BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION, barely understood a lot of things
WHAT THEY READ. ^_~ Or, as Madeleine L'Engle [another^_^ of my=^__^=
VERY^_^ favorite^_^ authors^_^] wrote, "Some people don't understand plain
ordinary love when they see it" [A Wrinkle in Time]. [Anyway, I finally^_~
figured out that I was talking to the wrong audience, so I came here instead. ^_~])

About Faldema (screen name of the girl who thinks that Mary Carson is so great
and that I'm supposedly just there to argue>_< or whatever): Well, she has her
good points, she really does. (She thinks that Ralph "ignored God's will and
set out to become cardinal" [in other words, God's will was for Ralph to love
Meggie, etc. ^_^]. BUT: She ALSO thinks that it's strange to think that Ralph was
more loving, less ultra-ambitious, etc. than Luke [who I think WAS greedy,
bratty, etc., and other things less polite to say in public (he couldn't be
BOTHERED to CARE, is his MAIN problem!!! it's not even ambition, it's just
that he's the "who cares" type!!! so he dragged someone who he didn't even
love anyway out into the middle of nowhere and basically abandoned her [to
good people, though, fortunately! ^_^ at least Anne and Luddie were nice! ^_^],
so what, according to him! GRRRRR!!! >__< [he didn't much love or care about
ANYONE, as far as I can see!!! >__<])].) Anyway, Faldema only acts/talks sort
of like Mary Carson, but what with her "preaching" to ME about how _I_ supposedly
didn't know that the IMDb boards were "peaceful" and for "enlightenment" and
"not just enlightening others, but also being enlightened" (grrrrr>__<) (well,
ACTUALLY, I=^__^= thought that MOST of us were here for FUN^_^!!!),
AND^_~ with her acting like she didn't understand the book but telling ME that _I_
didn't understand what are probably some of the deepest/truest things in it
(I said/wrote, "Their love is the very essence of the novel"! =^___^=), AND^_~
with her being such a Mary Carson fan, I was getting a little too tempted^_~
to tell her that she was sort of acting like Mary Carson in some ways (it was
beginning to be almost^_~ a cat=^__^=fight between us!!! ^_~). (I=^__^= was
also^_~ getting tempted^_~ to [at least temporarily ^_~] change my=^__^=
screen name to "Meggie Cleary deBricassart" [except^_~ that would be sort of
weird on other boards, don't you think? ^_~]. [Anyway, I think^_~ that maybe
I do like^_^ defending^_^ my=^__^= favorite^_^ characters^_^ a bit too^_~
much...but like I told Faldema, I=^__^= wanted^_^ to be the witness^_^ for the
defense and not for the prosecution (as I also told her, she was already doing
so well herself in that [the prosecution] direction! ^_~).])

Anyway...well, yes, Meggie does tell Ralph that he and Luke have a lot of the
same faults. (On the other hand, OBVIOUSLY^_~ she KNOWS^_~ that one of
them is MUCH^_~ better/nicer than the other one. ^_~ [If anyone needs further proof:
She never wanted anything to do with Luke again after she knew for sure that
she and Ralph really would love^_^ each other forever^_^ even if they couldn't
always be together. She continued to be with Ralph (in various senses of the
word "with") for the rest of his life. (I feel like saying, "If that's not marriage,
what is?" =^____^=) (Okay, I'm=^__^= one of those weird people [and I'm
pretty sure that Colleen McCullough is also ^_~] who think that being
MARRIED^_^ in SPIRIT^_^ takes priority over being "married" officially to
someone else, or to the Church, or whatever. ^_^ [And^_~ all^_~ of those who
think that the so-called "scandal" is such a big deal (old Thorn Birds thread
called "Great story, but..." and some other threads like that) can just go
soak their heads (and/or anything else, less polite, of their choosing ^_~).])

"For the best is only bought at the cost of great pain, or so says the legend."

The best...is love. (And "the essence of the novel" is that...well...if the
love is that deep, it's worth going through all the pain. ^_^)

(WHY don't MORE PEOPLE UNDERSTAND what they read??? ^_~)
(Or, at least, just recognize "plain ordinary love when they see it"
[Madeleine L'Engle ^_^].)

Madeleine L'Engle, on the subject of how real^_^ love^_^ is MORE^_^ than just
some dumb modern typical "relationship" (actually, she was talking/writing
about picture-book animals! ^_^ she also^_^ refuses to "grow up"!!! =^__^=):
"Because their love was love, and not a relationship." (Exactly. ^_^)

The essence^_^ of The Thorn Birds is love^_^...including^_^ love^_^ of
family, friends, etc. ^_^ Life is love^_^. Living is love^_^. Being is love^_^.
And even...God^_^ is love^_^. =^___^=

(At Amazon, if you go look up The Thorn Birds [book] and go to the "look inside"
part of the Modern Classics edition, you can find where the back flap on that
edition pretty much agrees with me about what the book is about. [It does call
Ralph "a man of extraordinary ambition", but it doesn't make it seem like that
has to make him necessarily a complete idiot or something. ^_~])

(Anyway, obviously, both Ralph and Luke didn't always pay enough attention to
Meggie, and they could both be said to have too much "ambition" [although I
really think that Ralph had more than that, and that Luke had less than that!
it was almost like he WASN'T even ambitious, just stuck up!!! ^_~]. But, yes,
at least Ralph LOVED^_^ her [and ANYONE who doesn't get THAT, or get that it's
REALLY IMPORTANT AND ESSENTIAL, HAS^_~ missed quite a LOT of "the very
essence of the novel"!!! ^_~]. [Also, anyone who thinks that Colleen McCullough doesn't
love^_^ the characters at LEAST as much as I do has another think coming. ^_~
I love^_^ them BECAUSE^_^ she does. ^_^ (And Meggie-as-played-by-Rachel-Ward
just wasn't nearly as lovable^_^. Or special^_^. Or nice^_^. Sigh.) (The way
most of the characters are in the book, I just want to hug^_^ them. =^___^=
[Except^_~ for a few^_~ such as Mary and Luke. ^_~ Them>_< I want to kick>_<.
They>_< were so MEAN>___<!!!] [Actually, I know^_~ that Barbara Stanwyck must^_~
have done a pretty good job, because she was very believable. ^_~ I couldn't
STAND^_~ her in ANYTHING^_~ for YEARS^_~ because of Mary Carson!!! ^_~
("Which one of your vows did you break?" etc. at the beginning, and then, later on,
much worse than that. Shut up already! ["Ah, Mary, what would I have done
without you all these past years. Your perception, your malice..." ^_~ ^_~ ^_~])
(Anyway, a few years ago I finally saw a very young Barbara Stanwyck in a very
old movie where she played Annie Oakley. ^_^ And she was actually cute. ^_^
And young. ^_^ And kind of innocent. ^_^ In a nice way. ^_^ [Maybe even a
little like Meggie. ^_^] So now I can stand her, sometimes! ^_~)])])

(Oh, by the way, the "perception and malice" thing could^_~ also^_~
sort of suit Faldema in some ways. ^_~ Because she has potential^_~
for both^_~. [She's really not a bad person, just...argumentative
and into calling those who disagree with her argumentative. ^_~])

This post is sooooo long, I should stop now...thanks^_^ for all your support^_^
etc., though! =^___^=

Kit =^___^= (purrrrrrr=^___^=)

THORN BIRDS FOREVER!!! (mostly^_~ the book^_^) (the miniseries too, though! ^_~)


"Love's happy memory
Ever will be loving me."
----- The Slipper and the Rose

"Don't let him know why I must leave him,
Why I must go so far away,
For if he knew how much I love him,
No power on earth could make him stay."
----- The Slipper and the Rose

(Both^_^ of the above quotes are also reminding^_^
me=^__^= of The Thorn Birds at the moment. ^_^)

Kit =^__^= (the magic=^__^= one=^__^=)

(The Thorn Birds is sort of like a fairy^_^ tale^_^ too^_^.)
(In the "beautiful saga and love story" sense, not in the
"supposedly untrue" sense! ^_~ [Well, SOME people do claim
(in the "Great story, but..." thread) that "Colleen McCullough
has fooled us" into believing that it's okay for a priest to
break his vows for love. (Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!! ^_~) (It
wasn't Faldema that time, it was somebody else even weirder. ^_~)
(Like I said, Faldema seems to basically agree^_^ with me=^__^=
more about the "breaking the vows" thing, except^_~ that I do
actually think that the vows ARE really important and really
difficult to get out of...it's just that LOVE IS EVEN MORE
IMPORTANT. =^___^=)])

"No ambition, no matter how noble, justifies breaking someone's heart."
(Rain tells Fee that Ralph said this, in the miniseries ^_^)


A love unattainable
The Thorn Birds



"If you turn a gift away from your door, it goes to the one who takes it in."
----- Steve Martin in A Simple Twist of Fate
(reminding me=^__^= of how Luke didn't really want Meggie, etc.)

Kit =^__^= (I=^__^= believe^_^ in^_^ love^_^!!! not just fur=^__^= pretend^_^
either! ^_~ fur=^__^= real^_^ too^_^! and^_^ fairy^_^ tales^_^ can help us all
remember^_^ to^_^ believe^_^!!! =^____^=)


Tell him that it wasn't love (I cry when I sing that! Sad, I know!)
Once I was loved(graveside song)
What a comforting thing to know (PRince Edward and companion in the crypt)
When he/she danced with me. My spine goes like rice pudding when they dance to that without the lyrics! Lovely. Got to have it at my wedding!


"Secret Kingdom" all the way.


"What a comforting thing to know" - been my fav for as long as I can remember, loved the bit at the end when they did the flip on the overhead cables! Although fav moment was that look across the ballroom - true love!


To big bird brain:
Oh, good, someone else besides me=^__^= loves^_^ one of my=^__^= favorites!!! =^______^=

Kit =^___^=

(Whatever king this goes with...)
"...He stole for forty years...
The day he died, the people cried..."
"They cried?"
"They cried, 'THREE CHEERS'!"



Ah, that is one of the best songs. Something about them leaping around in the crypt....it just so hilarious.


He/She Danced With Me and Secret Kingdom and Once I Was Loved will not give me any rest either.


They're all my favorites, but my absolute favorite is "What A Comforting Thing To Know". My best friend and I have always wanted to dance around in the crypt!!!!!!!!


I love this movie and would love to add the DVD to my collection. The only version I have of it is the one taped from television, and some of the songs are missing which sux. My favorite songs are Secret Kingdom, Protocoligorically Correct, Tell Him Anything (But Not That I Love Him) and Bride Finding Ball.


my favourites have to be the ~fun~ songs like erm...*what a comforting thing to know* and *why can't i be two people*. but every song is gr8 n there aint a lot of musicals where you can watch them all the way through and not have the urge to fast forward at least one song is there?
so hillarious.
lu x


So true! Although I have to admit that when I was younger I always fast forwarded through Secret Kingdom! It has greatly improved on me now - actually took the time to listen to the words - so beautiful!

~Suddenly it happens and the dream comes true~


I am so glad I've finally found people who love this film as much as me! I have the video and have watched it religiously every Christmas since I was about 9 (I'm now 28...). The songs are burned on my brain! I think my favourites are 'Once I was loved' and 'Protocoligorically Correct', but I ALWAYS cry when she's being driven away in the coach.
Whatever happened to Gemma Craven? She's so lovely, I don't understand why she wasn't a bigger star.
I love the scene in the palace kitchen - how do they dance on the railings? And how do they fold the sheets like that? The choreography is so witty - I reckon the film's charms are so lasting because it has such a healthy sense of irony - while having no embarrassment about indulging in all the fantasies of fairytale.


My absolute favorite song is secret kingdom..."two subjects, you and me, in our private monarchy..." I love them all but this song makes the hair on my arms rise!


1. what a comforting thing to know
2. 2 people
3. protocoligorically correct


"Music comes from within, from your heart and from your soul."

When He/She Danced with Me.


my favorite is What A Comforting Thing To Know its just so funny and this is the scene i think of when i think of this film even though i haven't seen this film since our video player thing died :(


haha I posted right after you with the same song before I had read all the comments! we have the same favorite!
