Another Cinderella Movie

I'm trying to find a Cinderella movie I watched when I was little. The only thing I remember about it is one line that goes something like "Coo, coo, theres blood on her shoe she's not the one for you." If you can help me I'd really apreciate it.

Jack Sparrow: You may throw my hat if you wish... Now go and get it.


I think you might be refering to the musical "into the woods", which is based on several diferent fairy tales mixed together. It has been on tv, and is available on DVD. It has a page on this site.


More than likely it's the German production of ''Aschenputtel'' (1955) released with an English -Dubbed soundtrack (and a beautiful new musical score by Anne and Milton Delugg)as ''Cinderella''by Childhood Productions in 1966.


Yes, that is a brilliant version of "Cinderella"--starring Rita Maria Nowotny in the title role.

The only thing that has ever irked me about that version is the ball scene, set outdoors in the sunshine! Twilight perhaps?


In the original Grimm version (story and film) it was three Festivals Cinderella went to. When the film was imported and dubbed, somebody goofed. But there was no Fairy Godmother in the Grimm version either. Guess the film makers felt the Godmother was necessary to the plot. She was. The Grimm story, with the symbolic touches (Tree, Bird, etc) reads better than it would have played. This film does include the Tree and the Birds, though. In any case, it's a wonderful film, rarely seen these days.


Yes, it's a lovely movie. I've only ever seen the dubbed Childhood Productions version (which I'm lucky enough to own on video); but apparently the original "Aschenputtel" is available on DVD in it's native Germany, along with most of the other fairytale picures of the era.


I doubt that the German version has a musical score to compare with the dubbed one. Also, the voices used for the dubbing are especially fine. I hope you have the video version that runs just over 70 minutes. There was a 48 minute one floating around at one time, and the print was almost in shreds. The complete American version (from Goodtimes Home Video) looks teriffic. )
