Showing on Sunday 06 November, 1:15pm - 3:55pm, Five.

That's the UK's channel 5. Thought I'd mention it in case anyone was watching out for it. :)


just watched it again for the first time in years and can't belive i remembered the songs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just watched it again too! Still love it!

No comment, but don't quote me!



Anyone else think they should do a remake!

Personally, I'm in the 'if it ain't broke...' camp about remakes, I don't see the need to mess with a film which is fine as it is.
Films which were terrible first time around, they can fix them. This one is a great film as it is though, so I'd rather it be left alone. I'd rather see a new musical than a remake (probably a poor remake, too, all special effects and no real heart :p ) of this one. JMO. :\


I watched it too and loved it but the downside of it was the subtitles kept disappearing!! (i am profoundly deaf that why) and I really really want the dvd but cant buy it cos it has NO subtitles on it at all so i cant watch it again.


I was watching something else and I turned to look at the Tv guide and was delighted! Me and my mum sat watching it all happily and singing along (although my mum had a sore throat, so she was croaking along)

Ted: Newsflash, I'm STERILE!


One of my all time favourite films

I think everybody shines, and what a beautiful singing voice Richard Chamberlain has
