Is De Niro a pedo

He broke the law with his scenes with Jodie and in the movie Cape Fear.


What law did he break?


I wouldn't be surprised if he is, but not based on acting he did in movies.


I have no idea what he is in real life - but in terms of movies - his character Travis didn't do a thing wrong in "Taxi Driver". Travis was trying to help Jodie Foster's character (Iris) get off the streets. The sick one in that movie ("Taxi Driver") was her pimp, played by Harvey Keitel. Now in "Cape Fear", De Niros character (Max Cady) is very sick. He gets physical with Juliette Lewis's character (Danielle Bowden). She's only in High School. If I remember correctly, Danielle is a bit taken with Max so she never reports what he did. I would imagine if she had reported him, Cady would have been in serious trouble.


So you are making an assumption about him because of scenes he performed in a movie as an actor? Are you fucking retarded? It's called ACTING for a reason.


so in a porn movie if the girl is under age....ITS CALLED ACTING


Haven't all his wives been around his age?


Do you mean Travis, the character in the movie? If so, no, he wasn't a pedo. He befriended an underage girl. He didn't have sex with her.


In cape fear he french kissed juliette lewis and molested her breasts. It doesn't matter if you call it acting, Its against the law and he is a pedo.


That would make him an ephebophile. But no, I don’t think he was taking advantage of a young Juliet Lewis for his own gratification, they’re just actors working on edgy material.
