God nearly cocked up.

I watched this when it was originally broadcast in 1977, I was 13 years old. I just started re watching it on Sky Arts and I will admit straight up that I am a life long Atheist (from a religious family) but, enjoy religious movies when they are well done, such as both versions of The Ten Commandments. This is a beautiful production scripted by some great writers, directed by a great director and the cast is superb, heck, even the music is divine. However, even great writers must have trouble when the source material is so poorly written. My beef is with Mary's pregnancy, why did God not tell Joseph until after he was told that God's law decree Mary and the baby's father, whoever he was thought to be, be stoned to death, if God were so powerful and infallible he would have told everyone instead of just the 14 year old girl he impregnated, or at least Joseph and the Chief Rabbi. I sat there and thought 'plot hole!' Besides, some loving God who decreed a girl in that situation be stoned to death along with her unborn child, even if she were the victim of rape.

I am a four eyed evil genius.


"... why did God not ..."

That's a question that's been asked for millenia. Questioning God is one thing, judging God is quite another. For the former you need be human, for the latter you need the authority.

"... if God were so powerful and infallable he would have told ..."

I'm wondering by what authority you advise a "so powerful" and "infallable" entity what he should have done? Are you more powerful and infallable than he? . . . Pardon me, but I ask this question as a fallable human being.


Ask away. Don't let these small minded Christians tell you that asking a question is wrong. These are the same retards that believe Yahusha aka "Jesus" is God, when he IS NOT


"These are the same retards that believe yahusha aka "Jesus" is God, when he IS NOT"

Well . . . I guess that settles that!


These are the same retards that believe Yahusha aka "Jesus" is God, when he IS NOT

HushYa mouth.

