MovieChat Forums > Jesus of Nazareth (1977) Discussion > Wow. The Prodigal Son Scene

Wow. The Prodigal Son Scene

I haven't seen this thing since I was a kid. Didn't know what to expect.

And I gotta say, the Prodigal Son scene is one of the most moving pieces of film I think I've ever seen. I don't mean 'religious', I mean -any- movie.

The acting, lighting, framing, etc. It's all just amazing. I can't say the entire thing would appeal to everyone for obvious reasons, but I defy any sincere film lover to not be moved.


Wow indeed. I love how that scene was staged and I love how the Prodigal Son parable was tied to Peter and Matthew's enmity. And Matthew's reaction to the outcome of the story - wow, just wow.


It is a very powerful scene, it always gets to me when Peter stumbles in begging for forgiveness "I'm just a stupid man". Just commenting on it brings back the emotions it stirred. I really like this movie version. The scene with Peter and Matthew talking and Matthew says "we will never go home again" "We are the first to know" gets me every time. I like how the tell the story of the Passion too. God Bless Bob


I had those same feelings with the scene with the thief on the cross who said he deserved to be there but Jesus didn't because He did nothing wrong. Then Jesus tells him he will be in Heaven along with him. It gives me chills each time.


Brilliant scene. James Farentino was perfect!

Kindly enjoy.

"A stitch in time, saves your embarrassment." (RIP Ms. Penny LoBello)


It really portrays God's great love for everyone, even the wretched in this scene. Jesus would go into the worst places without hesitation to teach about forgiveness and redemption. I agree, this scene is powerful. To think that these people were actually listening to and seeing God himself, the second person of the trinity who existed before the manger, the word of God, who actually spoke the universe into existence. Wow.
