Science is overrated

I'm always reading online medical information and I repeatedly come across statements like "it's a medical mystery" or "we know very little about.." in the articles. Plus, many people I see under close supervision of doctors show little improvement over what they were beforehand (i.e. arthritis conditions). Others I see who follow a non-conventional approach (i.e. spiritual) to well-being appear to be much healthier individuals.
Health "experts" don't know half as much as they claim to know. It's a money-driven illusion.
People who believe science is they key to fulfillment are very misled people and are often miserable on that path. There is much more to our existence than meets the eye and that is what Jesus has proven to us.
Sure, man's knowledge of science aids us, but only to an extent. The rest can only be satisfied through faith in something far beyond our material world.
Jesus spoke truth.


It can't be too overrated; it has enabled you to share your banal opinion on the internet.

§ "Precisely the point of a lonnnng dinin' table."


Yup, my banal opinion. iPhones and PlayStations have really enhanced our existence alright, we have more dumbed down people than ever.
They can bring us GPS, but no cure for cancer?
Science is amazing, lol!


Yup, my banal opinion. iPhones and PlayStations have really enhanced our existence alright, we have more dumbed down people than ever.

Speaking for yourself, eh? 
They can bring us GPS, but no cure for cancer?
Science is amazing, lol!

Science can treat cancer, often successfully. Calling for the elders to pray over the sick (James 5:14) has never had the slightest effect on anything. ('Prayer - How to Do Nothing and Still Feel Like You're Helping.')

If and when a cure ever comes for cancer, it will come from science, not from faith in ooga-booga and its attendant rituals.

§ "Precisely the point of a lonnnng dinin' table."


"If and when a cure ever comes for cancer, it will come from science, not from faith in ooga-booga ..."

Sure of that are you . . . and of the implied separation (faith and science)? Hmm ... absent a crystal ball, such certitudes about the future must just as cerainly come from your own personal "ooga-booga" -- and its "attendant rituals".


§ "Precisely the point of a lonnnng dinin' table."


What about Buddha? What about Mohammed? What about Vishnu? Were they all full of it?

Is this some kind of trick answer?


Actual science and the Bible fit together completely. Evolution, etc. is not science.


I'm not sure why people can't just enjoy the movie without all the "religion vs. science" debate. Whether you believe the story is factual or not, I think you should be able to enjoy it and find it beautiful/touching either way. That's why I mostly avoid boards for religious based movies because there are always debates like this and they always get so ugly. Stories like this are supposed to inspire people but they mostly bring out the ugliness in people. Just my opinion. Not meaning to offend anyone.


So if you or a family member is diagnosed with an illness that may be terminal or fatal you will seek out prayer instead of medicine discovered by science to try to cure it? Read up about how 30's movie star Jean Harlow died at the age of 26 or any of the many stories of children dying unnecessarily due to their idiot parents who trusted prayers instead of medicine.

I am a four eyed evil genius.
