Powell's physicality

I was always struck by his eloquent body language and by his hands... long, elegant fingers, for some reason they look "christlike."


Here, here! I saw this as a mini-series on NBC back in the 70’s and in my humble opinion, Powell owns this role! I realize that English did not exist 2,000 years ago and that the Jews of ancient Palestine were probably less European in appearance. Now having said all that, I totally agree that Powell’s performance was masterful, eloquent, compelling and “christlike”! When he first walked onto the set in full wardrobe, the camera crew was awestruck! I mean he really breathed life in to the role and to date, I have never seen anyone do a better job!!


I can believe that about the camera crew... being there and seeing that must have been a moving experience.


Yes, perhaps without meaning to he made quite an impression on everyone around him. Here is a link to an interview with him in 2002:

http://www.geocities.com/giselaesparzas/Powellissimo/interviews/poglor y.htm

A quote from Powell: ‘When I walked on to the set for the first time, there was an audible intake of breath from the crew. My hair had been chemically straightened and I’d been growing it, so it was almost down to my shoulders. All they did was add a piece at the back.’

Powell's views about Jesus were also changed somewhat during the filming. I suppose that after playing Jesus, one has slightly more insight of the subject matter overall.


Thanks for the url interview, nice to catch up with him.
