Portrayal of Model.

So much sneering at both Model and Montgomery in this movie. Amazing really considering how successful both of them were. Model was reduced to little more than stock character and comes off extremely poorly, even cowardly. This was the same guy that had the guts to blow his own brains out. Model was one of the best commanders of the war, particularly in defence. They way he is portrayed in this movie is ridiculous. He is shown as offering little else but being near incompetent. In actual fact it was Model who was the overall architect of Market Garden's failure....yet you wouldn't know it from this film. He seemed clueless and blundering. He comes off even worse than Montgomery. Anyone know the reason for the hatchet job on Model for this film?? I hadn't seen the film for a while until I re-watched it yesterday and I had forgotten how poorly it treated Model.


Nazi's (yes I know he was not an actual one, but he did their work) never get good pub unless they are trying to kill Hitler (Rommell)


Rommel never tried to kill Hitler.


If by that you mean the scene where Model hastily flees his HQ that is true to the book...which in turn is true to history. It is NOT true that Model was one of the best generals in the war btw. He was a defensive specialist that had some success against the Russians but he was by no means a military genius.


Model had a LOT more than "some success against the Russians". His defensive work was significant. Your comment is dismissive and innacurate.


Yeah, wasn't Model referred to as 'The Fireman', being sent from one crisis point to another?

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


He was called "Hitlers Fireman".

The funny thing is that he made his reputation by DEFYING Hitler's orders so often.

Starting at Rhzev in Dec-41where he prepared new defensive lines and then retreated into them (keeping the Red Army at bay for another year) after Hitler had dismissed the prevoius commander for even suggesting a retreat.


I don't think the film makers cared to much of how a nazi general is portrayed


The film makers didn't care too much about how British generals and officers were portrayed either.

Trust me. I know what I'm doing.


It seemed to be rather 'flattering' to Bittrich.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?
