Bad DVD's?

Did anyone else have a problem getting their Shriek Show DVD of Day Of The Animals to play on a standalone set top DVD player? I could only get my disc to play in the DVD drives in my computer. I had 2 separate drives and both of them would play the DVD but no luck on any of my set tops.

On the subject of errors, I wanted to check to see if other people's DVD's did the same as mine. I believe it's an error on Shriek Show's part when making the video streams. When the Something Is Out There version of the movie starts, a voice briefly says "SOMETHING." I believe this is left over stream from the stream of the Something Is Out There trailer included as a bonus. I was wondering if everyone else's DVD did the same thing.



I had the exact same problem with this DVD when I first got it, and went and exchanged it three times before I have up.

It worked on all my friend's DVD players, but not any of the two I had at the time, which I couldn't understand at all?

It really sucked because I love the movie and could only watch it very rarely at someone else's place.

I HATE watching movies on the Laptop PC, but I think, if I remember correctly, the Main Menu was screwy, and I could only choose "Day Of The Animals" Television Master, and not "Something Is Out There" theatrical release (which is cut and not as good as the TV Master anyway!).

It wasn't until I got a PlayStation 3 to get a WiFi BluRay Player that this movie started to play!?

As far as I know, you're the only other person I've heard of with this problem aside from myself. I even asked around on various Movie Message Boards with no one having any issues.


My copy came in the now OOP 3 pack along with the 2-disc Special Edition Grizzly and Devil Dog: Hound of Hell. No trouble getting mine to play either versions.
