MovieChat Forums > Day of the Animals (1977) Discussion > Horrible DVD transfer! Anyone else notic...

Horrible DVD transfer! Anyone else notice?

I bought this movie on dvd several years ago, and was very disappointed to find that the transfer was so bad that it was unwatchable. I've since gotten rid of it. Has anyone else had this problem with the dvd? Maybe my copy was bad. I hope that's the case, because this is a fun, cheesy 70's b-movie classic that scared me to death when I was a kid. I would love to own it again if it were of decent quality.


There is a new special edition in the works which will be out in a couple months, maybe early 2006. It is still being worked on but should really make fans happy, so hang in there.


Yeah, on the 25th April, Media Blasters will release a new DVD, with a transfer from the negative and some extras.

"Our first ideas of life are generally taken from fiction rather than fact." - Arthur Schopenhauer


were you taken your info about new release in2006 media blaster??


suspiria-6, wrote:

were you taken your info about new release in2006 media blaster??

I do not understand the question; please rephrase your inquiry.

"Our first ideas of life are generally taken from fiction rather than fact." - Arthur Schopenhauer


The new release will be in April.



Hi< I saw this as a kid, I believe it was after GRIZZLY came out, and 1/2 the cast from it are in Day of the Animals! I was looking around IMDb and ran across that actress who was in this Day of the Animals (also was in Demon Seed, Logans Run &amp; Airplane! was her last role in 1980!), named Michelle Stacy - she hasn't worked in films since 1980, does anyone know what ever happened to her? She was a classic '70's kid like I was! Any info would be appreciated!


I saw this film as a kid, I believe it was after GRIZZLY came out, and 1/2 the cast from it are in Day of the Animals! I was looking around IMDb and ran across that actress who was in this Day of the Animals (also was in Demon Seed, Logans Run & Airplane! was her last role in 1980!), named Michelle Stacy - she hasn't worked in films since 1980, does anyone know what ever happened to her? She was a classic '70's kid like I was! Any info would be appreciated!


I remember Michelle was Penny in The Rescuers. No idea what happened to her. Mind you, the kid who played Bambi joined the Marines!


TERRIBLE dvd transfer. i've purchased 4 copies over the last 2 years and ALL 4 break up and freeze and are generally un-playable. have tried several different players to no avail. this dvd has MAJOR prolems. this is the 2:35-1 shriek show version. please re-do this dvd as i've waited for years to own it and i'm still out of luck.


The theatrical cut (Something is Out There) has an applling transfer, yes. The television master (Day of the Animals) however is a very good transfer.

Because both versions are virtually identical (just a small part of a scene missing in the DotA cut, I think, and of coursse it isn't in widescreen) I can only asume Shreik Show didn't try to restore the SiOT cut purposely. It would probably have made more sense to have the widescreen theatrical cut in the best transfer and the television cut with a poor one, and not the other way around, but who cares. Maybe they couldn't restore the theatrical print properly. Rubbish transfers often makes these sorts of films better anyway.

If you can't actually play the dvd then who knows, if it's just the transfer you're talking about see above.

Yippee-ki-yay, mother - *sound of lift beeping*


I had trouble with the media blasters dvd but since iv gotten my blu ray player no problems!

I'm not a lady I'm an anthropologist


Scorpion Releasing is going to issue a much better quality Blu-Ray of this film in the immediate near future.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Comes out on Blu-ray November 26th 2013.
