The book

In the book the feral dogs are to be pitied, at least in the beginning. Vacationers abandoned their pet dogs on the island. I never quite understood how so many heartless people could bring their now unwanted pets to an island and abandon them. For one thing, dogs will naturally form a pack, but the island is devoid of natural prey game for them. The abandoned dogs are miserable, being left behind by their human families.


Maybe your reading it wrong. People come to the island with their pets and when it is time to leave they find that they can not bring their pets with them.


Does the book state why the owners could not take their pets back home? I have never read the book but I'm assuming that it puts across the opinion to the reader that other options could have been done instead of abandoning them.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts


In the book, the one example they show. The owners pick up a pet for the summer. Decide they don't want the burden of it full time. I believe the dog on the leash actually had a name. Sad part of the book though was that when the survivors got out, they forgot to bring their own dog and he joined what was left of The Pack.


The movie also treats the dogs with much pity. So many sad scenes. I know the name of the movie is now the same name as the novel, but I wish they would also add the additional title which was "The Long, Dark Night". I remember seeing the movie when it was under that title. I saw it at night and cried, thinking about how many strays were out at that very time having their own "long, dark night".


Some mistakenly think domestic animals act like wild animals if they are left to fend for themselves. Some people treat pets like property to be discarded when they are no longer wanted.
