MovieChat Forums > The Pack (1977) Discussion > David Fisher Wrong, I Believe-Spoilers

David Fisher Wrong, I Believe-Spoilers

It is his novel and I respect him for how he feels about it and how it was adapted to film, but I think he is wrong to think it was a bad movie. In the movie, the dogs are pitied just as they are in the book. In the movie, several characters even talk about how bad it was for them to be abandoned and what can happen to them.
The movie was well acted and the balance between concern for the animals as well as the people was maintained. You felt sorry for both.
I think Mr. Fisher wanted more attack scenes that were in the book and the depressing ending of the book, but I think having more and perhaps more violent attack scenes as well as the book's ending would have turned away viewers. After all, these were not dogs that deliberately chose to reject good owners and become violent. They were abandoned, starving animals. They would always be viewed with pity and sympathy. The horror would only be in their violence.
