Funniest scene?

I think it's the Manero family dinner where Tony wears a white sheet as giant bib to protect his new polyester shirt from the pasta sauce. Then they all start hitting each other, until the nonna yells "Basta!" Then the dad smacks Tony's coif. "Would you watch the hair!" Lol!
Bring back the old emoticons!


Yes, I still laugh at that scene. It could be anyone's family at any time. Now a days, I think, "What John Travolta wouldn't give to have that gorgeous hair."


"I work on my hair, and he hits, he hits my hair".



Basta means "enough". Then the nonna (grandma) said "mangia", which means eat. Did she say anything else?


If Tony was so concerned about his new shirt why didn't he eat dinner in his undershirt?


If Tony was so concerned about his new shirt why didn't he eat dinner in his undershirt?

He was getting ready to leave for 2001, when his dad made him come down to dinner. Of course, he had a huge bib on to make sure he didn't get anything on his outfit.

"How about some gold plastic?" - Road House


Annette: "YOU F-CKERS"!

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


The scene that always makes me laugh... outside 2001....

OK, it's happening.
It's happening, it's happening!
I'll be out in a minute.
Harder! I'm coming, I'm coming!

What was your name?


Tony's parents were even more ignorant, crass, and uncouth than he was. A lot of the laughs came from them, for sure, aside from his mother's outburst about the priest brother.


Double J: She ain't cum yet?
Tony: Since when do you care?

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


The scenes I found funny probably weren't meant to be funny.

They include:

The puerto rican woman getting knocked out cold in the gang fight at the pool hall.

Annette's gigantic bug eyes and the face she is making when they trick her that they jumped off the bridge.

Bobby C acting stupid with his 'look at me' and his stupid, fake laughing when he is on the bridge showing off for his friends. That scene went on way too long.

John Travolta happy to get his crappy job back at the hardware store.

Mother is the name for God on the lips & hearts of all children -Eric D. Raven


That might have been considered disrespectful, especially if he was wearing a wife beater (or maybe he wasn't wearing an undershirt)


Bobby (sat in the car) calling Annette "Stupid Bitch" (and the sneer he does immediately afterwards) is comedy gold


When the guys keep moving he car forward when Tony is trying to open the door, and on one of these attempts, he hurts his finger on the door handle and yells, "That's my pussy finger!"

I can't believe 9 years after this question was posed I'm the first to mention it! Hands down the funniest line in the movie. A buddy and I have been imitating that line for over 20 years.


Tony complaining about his dad hitting his hair, absolutely.

Second place would be the guy with the curly hair who worships Tony falling off the bridge when he's trying to imitate his friends' antics from earlier in the movie.
