Karen Lynn Gorney??

She was supposed to be good looking and sexy according to "Tony Manero" but she was neither. Very bad casting.


She was gross and unappealing in every way. I actually fast forward through all of the scenes she is in that have dialogue. The character is a total c v n t bag anyway and to make matters worse, yes, the actress is terrible.

"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"


Well, to be fair, Tony wasn't really the authority on women that he considered himself to be, either. I could see someone like him falling head over heels for the first woman he sees who can eat a meal without getting it all over her face and doesn't say "ain't".


Karen wasn't ugly, but not appealing in the late teens, early twenties kind of way. Donna Pescow nailed it.


Oh here we go, the obligatory misogynist loser who feels somehow cheated if an actress is not stereotypically attractive, and also feels justified in calling the character vile names should she be anything other than100% dedicated to male comfort and ego gratification.


Oh here we go, the obligatory misogynist loser who feels somehow cheated if an actress is not stereotypically attractive, and also feels justified in calling the character vile names should she be anything other than100% dedicated to male comfort and ego gratification.

hahahahhaah, that's funny, love it, hahahahhah


mmsbk, you're being n idiot, and totally missing the point.

Stephanie was supposed *in the film* to be a total knockout that made Tony stop in his tracks, and an exceptional dancer that made him want to drop everything else so he could dance with her. The actress cast in the role was neither of those things, which seriously weakened the movie. The comment had bearing on the movie, not the poster's own private fantasies.


I can't figure out why they couldn't have tried harder to make her at least a bit more attractive. Mongloid hairdo, grey teeth, smokers voice...the only scene where she looked somewhat decent was when she had coffee with Tony. But yeah, her career really didn't go anywhere after this.


I disagree. I thought she had a Brooklyn-type sophistication and their chemistry leaped off the screen. She was more and more beautiful as the movie went on. I thought that was exactly what the director was going for and he and Gorney nailed it!


I disagree. I thought she had a Brooklyn-type sophistication and their chemistry leaped off the screen. She was more and more beautiful as the movie went on. I thought that was exactly what the director was going for and he and Gorney nailed it!

you are right and remember they had to cast a dancer although many believe she couldn't dance. like they say dont knock it if you can do it


The problem I had with her was she was supposed to be such a great dancer and...not. Her moves were cringe worthy (as was her acting)... Donna Pescow was much better at both.😁

Only the suppressed word is dangerous...
Ludwig Borne


She wasn't supposed to be sexy. Just more sophisticated. But she was more full of crap and more pathetic than Tony's friends. She thought she was something with her names calling and her superiority over her job. Christ, she equated Lawrence Olivier with his Polaroid ads. I don't know why she came off better in the end than Tony's friends and family.



You are missing the point with her character. She was not supposed to be some Farrah Fawcett or Jacqueline Smith 70s bombshell. Tony's life was headed nowhere, he worked in a paint shop and hung out with his childhood friends whose lives were also headed nowhere. The only girls Tony got where locals who were impressed with his dancing.

Stephanie blew his mind which is why he found her good looking ans sexy. She could care less that he was a great dancer and while all of Tony's friends were content with their lived working josb any high school drop out could do, she wanted to get the hell of out of Bay Ridge and do something with her life. That is why he found her attractive.


I thought she was OK looking, but that thick New York accent was really a desire killer for me.
