MovieChat Forums > The Sentinel (1977) Discussion > IT WASN'T MAKEUP! THEY USED REAL FREAKS!


Guys, I read people talking about "the great makeup". I have news for you. They used real freaks!! For real. Freaky, and creepy.


A lot of them were. Some of them were made up by Dick Smith.


I was surprised to read that this is true. Many of the actors employed for the penultimate scene of the movie were people with physical abnormalities. A lot of critics were put off by this as they felt these people were exploited-used only for their shock value and their physical deformities used to represent the evil that could befall man for committing a mortal sin.


I'm sure they got paid for their efforts...


A great thing to do in using people with genuine disfigurements as why shouldn't they? They did the same recently in the Scarlet Johnson movie 'Under the Skin'. I'm certain most viewers where a little surprised but the more we see the more we accept the real things in life. And of course it's human nature to be shocked or surprised at an indifference.


For some reason it changed 'Johansson ' to 'Johnson 'in my last post! !


Also, I thought it interesting they thought the actor that played "Mama" in the same-titled movie was CGI, when it was Javier Botet, a man that has Marfan Syndrome, same as Abraham Lincoln. I thought it was funny that people were commenting that the CGI in relation to the ghost in that film was horrible, and it wasn't CGI at all.

'No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.'


I know, tasteless, very.


Actors are cast for their beauty, evil looks, huge physique or boob size.

Isn't refusing to cast people with physical anomalies just a form of discrimination?

By the way, I think calling them " FREAKS " is probably much worse than offering them an acting job for their unusual appearance.

Le beau est bizarre



These people need to make money with what God, nature or fate handed to them. They have to make a living, too. This is brought up in the book "A Sideshow Journey" by Lisa Swejkoski.

*The Manitou is in and will take your calls now.
🐈  
