Poorly directed

Poor directional quality shines throughout this movie.

Dialouge is cut off too quickly
You don't really get to know the supporting cast. They just appear shortly from time to time and are just there to fill some dialogue.
There is no build up showing events prior to Alison moving into the apartment
Vital characters have too little screen time, such as the odd people in the apartment complex
Piss poor acting performance from Chris Sarandon, no depth, no emotions
Alison spends too little actual time in the apartment, and has little interaction with the other people there, which kills building up suspense
Michael's investigtion into Alison's experience at the apartment is too simple, is resolved too quickly and he just accepts that there's a paranormal component to his finds with no critical reasoning. When he reaches the apartment for his final showdown, he just accepts that there's an odd looking character at the top staring at him through the window, even though he's never seen him before.
Alison's father's death scene in flashback at the hospital is poorly done, with Alison's mother not given any significance. She just appears and disappears with no apparent explanation, and it happens very quickly. A couple of scenes and it's done.


And poor acting on the part of Christina Raines. I feel like if they would have fixed those two things, it would have been a much better movie.

It's a fun movie. But it's not a "great" movie.


The movie is fine. Both of you are nuts.



Yep, one of the better horror movies, ever.


You're in the minority and I don't appreciate having my opinion put down like that.

Listen to the commentaries on the Blu-Ray. Jeffrey Konvitz basically calls Michael Winner a hack and how disappointed he was in the film. Christina Raines is more diplomatic, calling him "difficult". And then Michael Winner is clearly delusional.

The movie is not what it could have been. And critics, the makers, and the majority of audiences alike agree. Frankly, it's Winner's fault. Had he been competent, it would have been a classic (and maybe coaxed an actual performance out of Raines, who is capable of doing well in the role).


The director, Michael Winner is not known for his brilliance, just his schlock. He did several Charles Bronson movies. If you read the interview with the main actress in another thread, he tried to sabotage Ava Gardner to make her look bad with lighting and whatnot. She knew exactly what he was doing and told him to eff off and got things changed. He was a misogynistic POS.


I didn't hate the movie but I thought it was like a made-for-tv version of Polanski's brilliant film The Tenant. It didn't feel like it had any center. It was just a bunch of scenes strung together. Like I said, I didn't hate it but overall it didn't really work for me.


Most of your complaints are not anything to do with the direction but the screenplay. If a character isn't developed enough or things are resolved too easily, that's a WRITING problem, not a directorial one. The director doesn't develop the story, the writer does. You don't seem to know the difference.


Michael Winner the director wrote the screenplay.


Michael Winner sure is no Roman Polanski, even though he tries very hard to make his own Rosemary's Baby. What he doesn't understand is that in order for horror to work, there needs to be some manner or restraint involved, that things need to be grounded in strong drama and sense of psychological realism. Instead he goes for campy overkill of ludicrous proportions, has no sense of pacing and is never capable of hitting the fine balance between the amusing and the creepy that Polanski always excelled at (which means that some of the more "shocking" scenes, including the infamous piece of wanking, are laugh-out-loud funny). Sarandon is indeed terrible (and we know from Dog Day Afternoon that he definitely CAN do outstanding work), but Raines with her consistently flat delivery isn't much better and even seasoned greats like Wallach and Meredith must work extremely hard to avoid coming across completely ridiculous mouthing their hammy, tin-eared dialogue (in all, there can't be many movies out there that have so thoroughly wasted a cast as impressive as this). That the story is a bunch of kooky, borrowed-together nonsense goes without saying, but it wouldn't matter much if Winner found a way to get it across in a compelling manner which, alas, isn't the case. Come to think of it, I've never been particularly impressed with anything I've seen from that guy.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan

