MovieChat Forums > The Sentinel (1977) Discussion > i dont know if this is the horror movie ...

i dont know if this is the horror movie im looking for

i remember seeing a clip from bravos 100 scariest movies and i dont know what movie it is

in a clip it shows this women walk into this room and then a scary ass pale white thing just walks across the room into darkness

please help me find this movie is it the sentinal


This is absoloutely the right the movie you're after.


thank u then!


Funny,... because I saw this movie on TV as a kid, and that scene you're talking about really scared the Hell out of me...I even once had a dream based on it, where I was sleeping in a bed in THAT house and something was moving in the hallway...I woke up only to freak out further as my hand was twitching under the pillow and I thought someone was behind my headboard somehow. Anyway I had only seen the first half of the movie and thought it was brilliant and scary...Way later, I caught it on TV again and saw the whole thing. I still liked it, but it wasn't as brilliant and definitely wasn't as scary. (IT's been a long time. Maybe I should catch it now front to back uncut on the DVD...)


I must say that scene scared the absolute CRAP outta me! I love scary movies, love it when I can be truly creeped out by a scene, but man-o-man, that scene took my breath away. It was so unexpected to see that horrible, creepy skeletal image walking across the room, only to stand perfectly still looking out the window. Ohmygod, I can barely talk about it without getting the jeebs. Sleeping will not be easy tonight...


this is definately the movie...i love's so dark and unsettling....yay!

The lack of humility before nature that's being displayed here, uh... staggers me.
