MovieChat Forums > Sorcerer (1977) Discussion > Only just discovered it. i.m 29!

Only just discovered it. i.m 29!

I had never heard of this movie....
How I learnt this movie exists.....
I am a Simpsons fan!

I recently came across a post on a local news site indicating the 'best movies that the Simpsons has parodied'. These included many a scene in which were re-enacted with Simpsons characters for a certain episode. I noticed and got most references except.... Sorcerer.

Here is the link to specific Sorcerer references from The Simpsons (Mr Plow Episode).

for more insight I looked this movie up and it has a good high rating and

seriously tho...

This film is awesome!

I got my hands on the DVD version and it is not widescreen, in fact looks like I'm watchin' an old telly movie or show... This only adds to the surreal effect of this film. It's gritty and grounded (mostly). It's easy to enjoy the ridiculous of the scenarios when you disregard pure logic (not all, just pure).

I am infuriated by posts claiming this and that fact about the trucks, or nitro, the shady investment collaboration between the laborers and the honchos!

That is not what the movie is about. This movie is about fate. It can stab you out of nowhere but will it pull the blade from your wound or twist it slowly. I fear the majority of the narrative is the knife in Roy Schrider's character. He was doomed since the beginning. The people dying around him was merely the first stage of his decent into hell. He is a bad man. I believe the movie is supposed to remind you of that. The final scene he asks for a dance with the female bar employee; she is not your typical beauty. If fact she is dirty and unattractive but I believe Roy's character knows he's been set up for the kill.

This therefore this is his last dance. He had very little criteria as to who his partner would be for dance with the devil. She had to be an unassuming female, innocent and therefore spared.

This is only my opinion.
As of this writing I have only seen the movie once (few hours ago). To which I came to imdb to add my thoughts as just a movie (not a 70s movie).


I never knew Mr Plow was a SORCERER parody. Awesome.
I just discovered it this year and it's a classic.


Unlike Friedkin's other gems from the 1970's, somehow Sorcerer got buried and stayed obscure. Which is a shame, because as somebody noted on another thread, Sorcerer was Friedkin's last hurrah as a great film director, since from the 80's on his films ranged from mediocre to poor.


I just discovered it too (and I'm even older than you!) last night, and am still in awe of how great this film is.
I have to disagree though with the contention that Friedkin got bad afterwards: "To Live and Die in LA" is absolute top notch cinema.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


Agreed. To Live And Die In L.A. Is his last great movie. Though Sorcerer is his last masterpiece.
