MovieChat Forums > Sorcerer (1977) Discussion > Took way too long to get going? *spoiler...

Took way too long to get going? *spoilers*

The major flaw in this movie was that it took way too long to get going.

They should have used flashbacks, and get on with the task at hand of saving the rig.

And just when we are getting involved with all the characters they get blown up, and it seem the story ends prematurely.

It would have been nice to see Steve McQueen in that role.

BUT it would have been better to see a latin beauty or Ali McGraw as the love interest LOL


Perhaps you should add (spoiler alert) to your thread title. It didn't ruin it for me, but there's a chance it might for people who haven't seen it...


well the title tells you i was gonna discuss the plot, so it s obviously a spoiler :)


One can discuss a movie's plot without giving away the ending. And I don't agree that your title tells someone you're gonna talk about the plot.

'The second half is terrific -- exciting, suspenseful, realistic...'

'But the first half takes forever to set up the story. They should have used flashbacks to explain how the characters ended up there; as it is, the film didn't grab me until almost an hour in.'

I didn't mention a single plot point, but people would still understand why I thought it 'Took way too long to get going'

Still, it was nice to see you added the spoiler. If someone reads it now, they can only blame themselves for knowing how it ends.

btw, I think it's amazing from start to finish


If you thought this took way too long to get going, you'd hate the original.


If you're a big fan of a film, like I am of Sorcerer, even 4 hours wouldn't have been too long. I also love every moment of Apocalypse Now Redux and the director's cut of Das Boot. If the film has a good hook and is expertly directed and acted, my patience is long indeed.

However, I can understand why non-devotees would find the intro unnecessarily long. Me, I think the beginning does this film an immense service. Rather than introducing us to 4 random guys with no back story, forcing us to ask why they're in such a dilapidated toilet bowl in the first place, we instead get a strong sense that they had purposeful lives (even if lives of crime) that their current situation must make them miss all the more. Even running from the IDF would seem like a day on the beach compared to trucking around highly unstable nitroglycerin.


I disagree. The movie is 2 hours long, and the trip begins, 1 hour in.

That first hour is the setup. We learn who the characters are, their history, their motivations, their good and bad traits.

The actual story of moving the trucks is not that important.... The thing important is that these men who we 'know' by now are on a mission that might kill them. The audience feels what is at stake. Without that setup, the audience would not be emotionally invested.
